Community Infrastructure is defined as community hubs and community centres. These are publicly accessible, multi-purpose spaces that bring together a variety of different services, programs and/or social and cultural activities to reflect local community needs.
Community Infrastructure means the following assets when owned, operated, or controlled by a territorial authority:
Community Infrastructure means improvements that have a substan-
Examples of Community Infrastructure in a sentence
H and X Xxxxxx The developer to provide $1,401,480 monetary contribution towards Council’s Community Infrastructure Contributions (CIC) scheme.
Chatswood Square P/L The developer to provide $8,016,665 monetary contribution in 3 instalments towards Council’s Community Infrastructure Contributions (CIC) scheme.
Pacific Chatswood Pty Ltd (novated to Polytech Australia Four Pty Ltd on 2023-05-03) The developer to provide $2,085,008 monetary contribution in 3 instalments towards Council’s Community Infrastructure Contributions (CIC) scheme.
More Definitions of Community Infrastructure
Community Infrastructure means improvements that have a substan- tial nexus to the district and directly or indirectly benefit the district. Community infrastructure excludes public improvements fronting individual
Community Infrastructure means infrastructure of a communal, human or social nature, which caters for the various life-cycle needs of the public including but not limited to childcare facilities, community halls, youth centres, aged persons facilities.
Community Infrastructure means lands, buildings, and structures that support the quality of life for people and communities by providing public schools, private schools, emergency services, private clubs, community facilities, daycare/day program and places of religious assembly. Private club means a social, cultural,
Community Infrastructure means public amenities and public services but does not include water supply or sewerage services.
Community Infrastructure means the contribution towards the provision and/or improvement of community infrastructure facilities within the locality of the Site
Community Infrastructure. ’ means any transpor-
Community Infrastructure means lands, buildings, and structures that support the quality of life for people and communities by providing public schools, private schools, emergency services, private clubs, community