The Site. The site of the Project Highway (the “Site”) shall comprise the site described in Schedule-A in respect of which the Right of Way shall be provided by the Authority to the Contractor. The Authority shall be responsible for:
(a) acquiring and providing Right of Way on the Site in accordance with the alignment finalised by the Authority, free from all encroachments and encumbrances, and free access thereto for the execution of this Agreement; and
(b) obtaining licences and permits for environment clearance for the Project Highway.
The Site. The site of the Project shall comprise the real estate described in Schedule-A and in respect of which the Right of Way shall be provided and granted by the Authority to the Concessionaire as a licensee under and in accordance with this Agreement (the “Site”). For the avoidance of doubt, it is hereby acknowledged and agreed that references to the Site shall be construed as references to the real estate required for the Project as set forth in Schedule-A.
The Site. The site of the Bus Terminal shall comprise the real estate described in Schedule-A and in respect of which the Right of Way shall be provided and granted by the Authority to the Concessionaire as a licensee under and in accordance with this Agreement (the “Site”). For the avoidance of doubt, it is hereby acknowledged and agreed that references to the Site shall be construed as references to the real estate required for the Bus Terminals as set forth in Schedule-A and includes Commercial Complex.
The Site. [S]15
10.1 The condition of the Site[s] shall[, subject to Clauses 10.3 [and 10.4] ([Responsibility for Ground Conditions and Contamination) / [to 10.14 ([Asbestos),] be the sole responsibility of Project Co. Accordingly (without prejudice to any other obligation of Project Co under this Agreement), Project Co shall be deemed to have:
10.1.1 carried out the Ground Physical and Geophysical Investigation and to have inspected and examined the Site[s] and [its][their] surroundings and (where applicable) any existing structures or works on, over or under the Site[s];
10.1.2 satisfied itself as to the nature of the Site Conditions, the ground and the subsoil, the form and nature of the Site[s], the load bearing and other relevant properties of the Site[s], the risk of injury or damage to property affecting the Site[s], the nature of the materials (whether natural or otherwise) to be excavated and the nature of the design, work and materials necessary for the execution of the Works;
10.1.3 satisfied itself as to the extent and adequacy of the Site[s] and of the rights of access to and through the Site[s] granted hereunder and any accommodation it may require for the purposes of fulfilling its obligations under this Agreement (such as additional land or buildings outside the Site[s]) without prejudice to Project Co's rights under this Agreement in respect of a breach by the Authority of its obligations under Clause 9.1 (Access During Construction) and/or Clause 9.2 (Access Following Construction);
10.1.4 satisfied itself as to the precautions, times and methods of working necessary to prevent any nuisance or interference, whether public or private, being caused to any third parties (except where such matters can only be ascertained by a review of title conditions, not included in the Title Conditions); and
10.1.5 satisfied itself as to the conditions, burdens, restrictions and reservations set out in the Title Conditions and the Reserved Rights. 15To the extent that it is not practical to investigate areas of the Site(s) (for example, due to Authority occupation of existing premises on the Site(s) to be developed in order to construct the Facilities), the drafting at Clauses 10.3 and 10.4 can be included to provide Project Co with appropriate relief. These Clauses provide that the Authority bears any additional costs arising out of unforeseen conditions in areas which Project Co cannot investigate and which cannot be reasonably identified by Project Co. Areas of ...
The Site. The site of the Project Highway shall comprise the real estate described in Schedule-A and in respect of which the Right of Way shall be provided and granted by the Authority to the Concessionaire as a licensee under and in accordance with this Agreement (the “Site”). For the avoidance of doubt, it is hereby acknowledged and agreed that references to the Site shall be construed as references to the real estate required for [Six-Laning] of the Project Highway as set forth in Schedule-A.
The Site. The site shall comprise the real estate described in Schedule-A and in respect of which the Right of Way shall be provided and granted by the Authority to the Concessionaire as a licensee under and in accordance with this Agreement (the "Site"). For the avoidance of doubt, it is hereby acknowledged and agreed that references to the Site shall be construed as references to the real estate required for the Bus Terminal as set forth in Schedule-A and includes Commercial Complex.
The Site. The site of the Project (the “Site”) shall comprise the site described in Schedule-A in respect of which the Right of Way shall be progressively in accordance with Clause 8.2, provided by the Authority to the Contractor. The Authority shall be responsible for:
a) acquiring and providing Right of Way on the Site free from all encroachments and encumbrances, and free access thereto for the execution of this Agreement;
b) [obtaining forest clearance and assistance in approval of Environment Management Plan as per provisions of Clause 4.3.]
c) [This Right of Way will not include completely free access to locations where working may affect safety of train traffic (i.e relay room, locations boxes etc). In such cases, right of work will be arranged by the Authority Engineer on written request made by Contractor at least 7 days in advance, if such request is reasonable.]
The Site. The site of the Project is described in Schedule-A and in respect of which the vacant and peaceful possession shall be provided and granted by Maha-Metro to the Concessionaire as a “Lessee” under and in accordance with this Agreement (the “Site”).
The Site. For the purposes of this AGREEMENT, the SITE shall mean and include any and all contracts and subcontracts for the performance of construction work at the Idaho National Engineering and Environmental Laboratory of the Idaho Office of the Department of Energy in Bonneville, Butte, Bingham, Clark, Cassia and Jefferson Counties, Idaho. The SITE is recognized by the parties as a project of major national importance and urgent priority and for its prompt and efficient construction a large number of skilled craftsmen and workmen are required. It is also recognized that the extreme advances of design, materials and construction methods which will be required to complete the structure will create new situations and jurisdictional problems for which there must be ready and sound methods of determination and settlement between the parties without any stoppage or delay in the work. It is the purpose to maintain competent and capable workmen for the performance of the work undertaken by the EMPLOYERS and to maintain a continuity of employment for the workmen so secured, to establish and maintain harmonious labor-management relations throughout the duration of construction and to avoid strikes, lockouts or delays in the prosecution of the work.
The Site. 10.1.1 The site of the Project shall comprise the real estate described in Schedule 1 and in respect of which the Site shall be provided and granted by the Authority to the Concessionaire on lease under and in accordance with this Agreement (the "Site").
10.1.2 The ownership of the Site shall always remain vested with the Authority.