Examples of Company Auditors in a sentence
Proposals must include with their submission a valid Tax Clearance and Broad Based Black Economic Empowerment certificate (or a letter from the Company Auditors stating that the company’s turnover is less than R5 million).
Submissions will not be accepted without a valid tax clearance and broad-based Black economic empowerment rating certificate (or a letter from the Company Auditors stating that the company’s turnover is less than R5 million).
The Company Auditors have to retire during the AGM every year and be re-appointed by shareholders for the ensuing year.
Those who received an allotment of the issue of Share Options (hereinafter “Holders of Share Options”), shall exercise such rights within ten days from the date following the date on which they retire as Directors, Executive Officers, Company Auditors and employees of the Company and its subsidiaries and affiliates.
Decisions regarding their number, appointments and transfers of such persons are made after consultation with the Board of Company Auditors in order to secure independence of these persons.