Examples of Competition Materials in a sentence
For an Invitational Competition or a Limited Competition, Materials Management will issue the Solicitation Document to the invited Suppliers.
This program focuses on reducing phosphorous loss in the Great Lakes Watershed.
After a Contract has been entered into pursuant to an Open Competition, Materials Management will post the list of Bidders, the identity of the successful Bidder and the value of the awarded Contract on the SaskTenders website.
After a Contract has been entered into pursuant to an Invitational Competition, including a Limited Competition, Materials Management will notify unsuccessful Bidders of the outcome.
The following items may be part of an inquiry.1. Competition Materials.
After a contract has been entered into pursuant to an Open Competition, Materials Management will post the list of bidders, the identity of the successful bidder and the value of the awarded contract on the SaskTenders website.
For an Open Competition, Materials Management will post the solicitation document on the SaskTenders website.
For an Invitational Competition or a Limited Competition, Materials Management will issue the solicitation document to the invited suppliers.
After a contract has been entered into pursuant to an Invitational Competition, including a Limited Competition, Materials Management will notify unsuccessful bidders of the outcome as requested by bidders.
Awarded Second Place in the Annual Student Poster Competition, Materials Division.