Confirmation card definition
Examples of Confirmation card in a sentence
As used in this code, unless the context5 otherwise requires:6 (2.8) "Confirmation card" means a communication mailed from7 a county clerk and recorder to an elector pursuant to section 1-2-302.5, 8 1-2-509, or 1-2-605, which card must:9 (c) Comply with all relevant requirements of the federal "National1 Voter Registration Act of 1993", 42 U.S.C. sec.
Records that need to be made inactive are identified in several ways:• Confirmation card mailings: mailing to verify the address of voters who have not participated in recent elections.
Records that need to be made inactive are identified in several ways: Confirmation card mailings: mailing to verify the address of voters who have not participated in recent elections.
Φ3.2 – International Delivery Confirmation To receive an international Delivery Confirmation, the sender completes an international Delivery Confirmation card that Australia Post despatches with the international article.