Actual conflict of interest definition

Actual conflict of interest means any action or any decision or recommendation by a person acting in a capacity as a public official, the effect of which would be to the private pecuniary benefit or detriment of the person or the person's relative or any business with which the person or a relative of the person is associated unless the pecuniary benefit or detriment arises out of circumstances described in subsection (7) of this section.”
Actual conflict of interest means any action or any decision or recommendation taken by a Board member that would result in a financial benefit or detriment to self or relatives or for any business with which the Board member or relatives are associated, unless otherwise provided by law.
Actual conflict of interest means that an individual or Offeror is unable to render impartial assistance or advice to Port Authority of Guam, has impaired objectivity in performing the Project work, or has an unfair competitive advantage. “Actual Conflict of Interest” means any action or any decision or recommendation by a person acting in a capacity as a public official, the effect of which would be to the private pecuniary benefit or detriment of the person or the person’s relative or any business with which the person or a relative of the person is associated unless the pecuniary benefit or detriment arises out of the circumstances described in the definition for “Potential Conflict of Interest” (see definition below).

Examples of Actual conflict of interest in a sentence

  • I intend to deal with my conflict of interest in the following transparent and accountable way:☐ I intend to leave the meeting (mandatory if you intend to declare a Material conflict of interest)OR☐ I intend to stay in the meeting (complete part 4) (only applicable if you intend to declare a Perceived (Actual conflict of interest) 4.

  • County employee with a perceived Conflict of Interest.CM Cronin: Actual conflict of interest – All Service Categories, except Substance Abuse and Oral Health.Affiliated with Marin AIDS Project /Service Provider.CM Dushon: Unaffiliated CM E.J. Flores: Unaffiliated CM Frazier: UnaffiliatedCM Kasel: UnaffiliatedCM Kelley: Unaffiliated - ConsumerCM Malone: Actual or perceived conflict of interest - All Service Categories.

  • The Mayor advised that two questions had been received from members of the public in accordance with Council Procedure Rule 11, Ms Julia Krier and Ms Holly Blackwell.

  • It's important to understand the following conflict situations:● Actual conflict of interest.

  • There are different types of conflict of interest:• Actual conflict of interest: A public official is in a position to be influenced by their private interest when doing their job.• Perceived conflict of interest: A public official is in a position to appear to be influenced by their private interests when doing their job.

More Definitions of Actual conflict of interest

Actual conflict of interest means any action or any decision or recommendation by a district employee that would result in a financial benefit or detriment for self or relatives or for any business with which the district employee or relatives are associated, unless otherwise provided by law.
Actual conflict of interest means any action or any decision or recommendation by a per-
Actual conflict of interest means any action, decision, or recommendation by a public official, the effect of which would be to the private pecuniary benefit or detriment of the public official, the public official’s relative, or any business with which the public official or relative is associated.
Actual conflict of interest means that the person, a relative of the person or a business with which the person or a relative of the person is associated will derive a private pecuniary benefit or detriment as a result of an action, decision or recommendation of the person in the course of bar-related activities.
Actual conflict of interest means a situation where a Governor has a private or personal interest that is sufficiently connected to the Governor’s duties and responsibilities as a Governor that it influences the exercise of these duties and responsibilities.
Actual conflict of interest means a set of established circumstances (interests) that detract from the person’s fulfilling of their obligation.
Actual conflict of interest means any action or any decision or recommendation by a person acting in a capacity as a Council member , the effect of which would be to the private pecuniary benefit or detriment of the Council member or the Council member’s relative or any business with which the Council member or a relative of the Council member is associated. However, it all those included in the same class as the Council member would be affected to the same degree, the situation is not considered a conflict of interest under ORS 244.