Conforming Telematics Device definition
Examples of Conforming Telematics Device in a sentence
Type-Approved Telematics Device – Standards and Changes Standard of Type-Approved Telematics Device The Operator Supplier must ensure that each Conforming Telematics Device: meets, and continues to meet, all of the requirements of this Agreement (including the Specification); and is manufactured and supplied so as to be of merchantable quality and fit for its intended purpose.
The Operator Supplier shall not provide the Type-Approved Telematics Device or any Conforming Telematics Device to any third party for use by that third party or any licensee or hirer from that third party.
No Third-Party Use of Type-Approved Telematics Device or Conforming Telematics Device No Third-Party Use The Telematics Device is Type-Approved for installation and use of Conforming Telematics Devices in or on vehicle (s) that are in the sole custody and direct control of the Operator Supplier only.
The Operator Supplier must not utilise the Type-Approved Telematics Device or any Conforming Telematics Device for any purpose which would require Type-Approval for use in a Category other than the Category(ies) approved in Schedule A.
Relationship with Customers and Certificates of Conformance Provision of Certificate of Conformance Where the Supplier intends to supply a Conforming Telematics Device to a Customer, the Supplier must provide TCA with the unique serial number of each Conforming Telematics Device so that TCA can prepare a Certificate of Conformance in respect of that Conforming Telematics Device in advance.
At the time of supplying a Conforming Telematics Device to a Customer, the Supplier must provide the Customer with the Certificate of Conformance obtained from TCA in respect of that Conforming Telematics Device.
Apart from the Type-Approved Telematics Device described in Schedule A or a Conforming Telematics Device, the Supplier must not state, infer or imply that any other product and/or service it offers or supplies is Type-Approved by TCA or comparable with the Type-Approved Telematics Device.
Provision of Information to Customers The Supplier must ensure that detailed instructions for the installation and maintenance of a Conforming Telematics Device are provided with every Conforming Telematics Device that is supplied to a Customer.
Type-Approved Telematics Device – Standards and Changes Standard of Type-Approved Telematics Device The Supplier must ensure that each Conforming Telematics Device: meets, and continues to meet, all of the requirements of this Agreement (including the Specification); and is manufactured and supplied so as to be of merchantable quality and fit for its intended purpose.
The Supplier may supply a Conforming Telematics Device to a Customer for which a Certificate of Conformance has not been obtained from TCA under clause 5.1a provided that the Supplier: applies to TCA for a Certificate of Conformance with respect to the Conforming Telematics Device within three (3) Business Days of its supply to the Customer; and gives the Customer the Certificate of Conformance within five (5) Business Days of receiving the Certificate of Conformance from TCA.