Congestion Zone definition
Examples of Congestion Zone in a sentence
Market Clearing Price for EnergyThe highest price associated with a Congestion Zone for a Settlement Interval for Balancing Energy deployed during the Settlement Interval.
Maintenance OutageSee Outage Market Clearing Price for CapacityThe highest price associated with a Congestion Zone for a Settlement Interval for Ancillary Service capacity awarded in each Ancillary Services capacity procurement run by ERCOT.
Local CongestionAny Congestion that cannot be resolved by deployment of Balancing Energy Service by Congestion Zone.
To fulfill its responsibilities with respect to providing information to the market necessary for QSEs to schedule energy and Ancillary Services, ERCOT shall: (1) Post forecasted ERCOT System conditions and Load for the next seven (7) days, by hour, by Congestion Zone.
The QSE will send a Real Time power signal to ERCOT representing the amount of RMR energy being delivered from RMR Resources to ERCOT by Congestion Zone.
The ISO will develop and publish on the ISO website and supply to the Scheduling Coordinators advisory Demand Forecasts comprised of Hourly Demand Forecasts for each Congestion Zone for each Settlement Period of the relevant Trading Day.
The ISO will publish on the ISO Website and supply to the Scheduling Coordinators advisory Control Area Demand Forecasts comprised of Hourly Demand Forecasts for each Congestion Zone for each Settlement Period of the relevant Trading Day.
For example, average standard payments for Double Bass, Electric/Bass Guitar are £18 (£22 inside London Congestion Zone).
At the time specified in Section 19.2.3, each UDC shall submit to the ISO its Weekly Peak Demand Forecasts by Congestion Zone reflecting the Weekly Peak Demand Forecast for Load expected to be served by facilities under the control of the UDC.
The bid curves will include (1) a dollar per megawatt, (2) Quantity (MW), (3) Congestion Zone, and (4) Ramp Rate.