Examples of Consolidated Financial Report in a sentence
Compliance with the Australian Accounting Standards ensures the Consolidated Financial Report of the Group complies with International Financial Reporting Standards (“IFRSs”).
The Consolidated Financial Report is presented in Australian Dollars (“AUD$”), which is OPUS Group’s functional and presentation currency.
See also the Consolidated Financial Report of the Department of Treasury and Finance http://treasury.sa.gov.au/ for total value of consultancy contracts across the SA Public Sector.
Almost 70% of respondents interviewed believed that the community has a role to play, however due to social dynamics and lack of social capital they are not playing this role.
The Group has accepted to present the Consolidated Financial Report for comprehensive income in a united report: Consolidated Report for the Comprehensive Income.
Changes in fair value and gains/(losses) on settlement of foreign currency derivative financial instruments relating to borrowings, which have not been designed as hedge are recorded as finance cost.
Basis of preparationThe Half-Year Consolidated Financial Report has been prepared on the basis of historical cost except derivative financial instruments, which are measured at fair value.
Mailing address for submission of certified independent audit reports and the Consolidated Financial Report is: Office of Planning and Budget Development Department of Children and Family Services Mail Station 440 406 East Monroe Street Springfield, Illinois 62701-1498 Questions regarding the audit and cost reporting requirements should be directed to Department of Children and Family Services at 1-217-785-2468.
The JMA requires these reports as he makes the payment of expenditure requested by the Beneficiary conditional on the factual findings of the Consolidated Financial Report.
This Consolidated Financial Report and Dividend Announcement has been prepared for Australia and New Zealand Banking Group Limited (the “Company”) together with its subsidiaries which are variously described as “ANZ”, “Group”, “ANZ Group”, “us”, “we” or “our”.All amounts are in Australian dollars unless otherwise stated.