Examples of Consolidated Tax Group in a sentence
Pursuant to current Spanish legislation, number code 2/82 refers to the BBVA Consolidated Tax Group, including the Parent Company and those subsidiaries that meet the requirements provided for under Spanish legislation.
AUB formally notified the Australian Taxation Office of its adoption of the tax consolidation regime.The Consolidated Tax Group was formalised by entering into tax sharing and tax funding agreements in order to allocate income tax payable to group members.
Tax consolidation results in the subsidiary members being treated as part of the Head Company for tax purposes rather than as a separate taxpayers.The Income Tax Assessment Act (1997) provides that the Consolidated Tax Group is to be treated as a single entity for Australian tax purposes with the Head Company responsible for the tax payable.
As at the date of approval of the consolidated financial statements, the Group has not experienced a significant increase in rent arrears compared to the equivalent period last year.
A Facilitate Group Member doing anything that would result in a de-consolidation of the Facilitate Consolidated Tax Group, other than acquiring or disposing of a wholly owned subsidiary (subject always to the other provisions of this deed).