Contingency Sum definition
Examples of Contingency Sum in a sentence
The Revenue Budget Contingency Sum provides some scope to meet any additional pay and pension costs.
Contingency Sum means the sum provided for work(s) or expenditure which cannot be foreseen at the time the tender documents are issued.
However, according to GCC Clause 1(1), both Provisional Sum and Contingency Sum may include provision for works to be executed or for materials or services to be supplied by a Nominated Sub-contractor.
Under the GCC for Term Contracts (2002 Edition), Contingency Sum may also be specified in a works order in term contracts for work or services or expenditure which cannot be foreseen at the time such works order is issued.
The information required includes the following: ▪ Who requested the variation▪ Why the variation is required▪ Why the variation was not allowed for in the contract documents▪ Full cost implications including main contractor’s costs (if any)▪ Recommendation on the value for money on offer in proceeding with the variation▪ Details of how the additional cost is to be funded (e.g. through savings, through the Contingency Sum, directly by the Client, etc.).
In accordance with the decision made by the *Central Tender Board / Public Tender Board / Director of , I hereby notify you that your *(corrected) tender +[, as adjustedin accordance with the notification in writing dated issued by the Government in accordance with sub-clause (1) of the Special Conditions of Tender Clause XX on reduction of Contingency Sum] which totals (words and figures) is accepted.
However, the assumptions made within the MTFP are considered to be prudent and the Revenue Budget Contingency Sum provides scope to meet any additional costs.
If a tenderer does not meet the qualification requirement on the date set for the close of tender or, if this has been extended, he extended date, his tender shall not be considered. The financial limits in the eligibility check shall be equated with the Contract Sum which includes all Prime Cost and Provisional Sums, Contingency Sum and any other contingency allowed for in the contract.
Work shall not commence on any provisional items until the Superintendent has issued a Variation Order.If a Contingency Sum is included, any charge made against it shall be ordered and valued as a variation.
Any significant increases would need to be met in the first instance from the Revenue Budget Contingency Sum and after that from Precept increases or efficiency savings.