Contrast scale definition

Contrast scale means the change in the linear attenuation coefficient per CTN relative to water, that is:
Contrast scale means the change in the linear attenuation coefficient per CTN relative to water, that is: where:µx = Linear attenuation coefficient of the material of interest.µw = Linear attenuation coefficient of water.CTNx = of the material of interest.CTNw = of water.
Contrast scale means the change in the linear attenuation coefficient per computed tomography number relative to water, that is:

Examples of Contrast scale in a sentence

  • This definition assumes that the dose profile is centered around z = 0 and that, for a multiple tomogram system, the scan increment between adjacent scans is nT.b. "Contrast scale" means the change in the linear attenuation coefficient per CTN relative to water, that is: where: μx=Linear attenuation coefficient of the material of interest.μw=Linear attenuation coefficient of water.(CTN)x=CTN of the material of interest.(CTN)w=CTN of water.

  • Contrast scale means the change in the linear attenuation coefficient per CTN relative to water, that is: CS =x - wCTNx - CTNw where: ux = Linear attenuation coefficient of the material interest.

More Definitions of Contrast scale

Contrast scale means the change in linear attenuation coefficient per CT number relative to water; that is:Contrast scale = μ x − μ w(CT)x − (CT)wwhere:μw = Linear attenuation coefficient of water.μx = Linear attenuation coefficient of mate- rial of interest.(CT)w = CT number of water.(CT)x = CT number of material of interest.
Contrast scale. (CS) means the change in the linear attenuation coefficient per CTN relative to water; as set forth in Appendix E.
Contrast scale. (CS) means the change in the linear attenuation coefficient per CTN relative to water.
Contrast scale means the change in linear attenuation coefficient per CT number relative to water; that is: operation of a CT x-ray system includ- ing nominal tomographic section thickness, filtration, and the technique factors as defined in § 1020.30(b)(36).(4) CT number means the number used to represent the x-ray attenuation as- sociated with each elemental area of the CT image.
Contrast scale. (CS) for computed tomography means the change in the linear attenuation coefficient per CT number relative to water, that is:
Contrast scale means the change in linear attenuation coefficient per CT number relative to water; that is:
Contrast scale means the change in the linear attenuation coefficient per CT number (CTN) relative to water.