Scale definition

Scale means the height, width and length of each building proposed within the development in relation to its surroundings;
Scale means any equipment or apparatus for the weighing of Solid Wastes or for the weighing of any Vehicle, Recycling Container, or Waste Container bearing or containing Solid Waste.
Scale means an assessment of the size or extent of the building works or street works falling within the supervision plan under consideration;

Examples of Scale in a sentence

  • The Perceived Stress Scale (PSS) measures subjective feelings of stress on 10 items using a 5-point Likert scale (0: never to 4: very often) during the last month.

  • Acculturation Rating Scale for Mexican Americans--II: A Revision of the Original ARSMA Scale.

  • An Arabic version of the Perceived Stress Scale: Translation and validation study.

  • Arabic Contingencies Of Self Worth: Arabic Translation and Validation of the Contingencies of Self-Worth Scale in Lebanese Youth.

  • Probationers are placed at point 0 of the Main Grade Salary Scale until they have achieved full registration with (GTCS).

More Definitions of Scale

Scale or “Scale House” means the area of the facility where waste initially enters the premises and the total and tare weights are determined and a receipt of deposit is generated.
Scale means the size, or how much, the outcomes will benefit Australia and Defence. 'Extent' means how widely the outcomes will benefit Australia or Defence.
Scale. Means either: (a) the relationship between distances on a map and actual ground distances; or (b) the proportional relationship of the size of individual parts to one another.
Scale or “Licensed Scale” shall mean a device or Facility approved by the District for the weighing of vehicles used for the delivery, Transport or shipment of Solid Waste generated or delivered within the District or destined for disposal.
Scale means the relationship of a project or structure in terms of size, height, bulk intensity, and aesthetics to its surroundings.
Scale means red and purple scale of which the diameter is at least one millimetre and mussel scale of which the length is at least one millimetre;
Scale means the spatial relationship among structures along a street or block front, including height, bulk and yard relationships.