Contributing resource definition

Contributing resource means an historic resource that contributes to the significance of the historic district in which it is located.
Contributing resource means a resource designated as a contributing resource by the Board of Supervisors in accordance with this chapter.
Contributing resource. (or “Contributor”) means any building, structure, object, site, planning feature, sign, area, place, landscape, or natural feature within a designated historic district that contributes to the district’s historic, cultural, or architectural significance.

Examples of Contributing resource in a sentence

  • Contributing Resource Contributing resource is any building, object, structure, or site which adds to the historical integrity, architectural quality, or historical significance of the local or federal historic district within which the contributing resource is located.

  • Contributing resource would mean a historic resource that contributes to the significance of the historic district in which it is located.

  • Historic Commission Review Board: Briscoe Elementary School is located within the Skidmore Academy Historic District and is considered to be a Historic Contributing resource within the district.

  • The existing building at 160 Helman is designated the Stansbury Warehouse, is a Historic Contributing resource in the district and is noted as “one of the only remaining industrial uses in this area… The warehouse consists of two simple gable volumes, forming an “M”-shaped roof.

  • The bidders who will declared technical eligible by the Committee will only be considered for financial bid evaluation.Any effort on the part of the bidder or his agent to exercise influence or to pressurize the employer would result in rejection of his bid.

More Definitions of Contributing resource

Contributing resource means a building, site or structure that adds to the historic significance of a historic property or historic district.
Contributing resource. (or “Contributor”) means any building, structure, object, site, sign, area, place, or natural feature within a historic district that is either a separately designated historic landmark or designated as a resource that contributes to the district’s historic, cultural, or architectural significance.
Contributing resource means a resource within a historic preservation district that embodies the significant historic physical characteristics and features, or adds to the historical associations, historic architectural qualities or archaeological values identified for a historic preservation district, and which was present during the period of significance, relates to the documented significance of the property, and possesses integrity or is capable of yielding important information about the period. Contributing resources may be designated as such on a resource inventory if previously surveyed and approved by City Council or after review and designation by the Planning Department as set forth in Section 17.04.041.
Contributing resource means a Resource designated as a Contributing Resource by the City Council in accordance with Article IV this Chapter.
Contributing resource means a building, site, structure, tribal cultural resource or object that adds to the significance of a historic district.
Contributing resource means a historic resource that
Contributing resource means a historic resource