Control Block definition
Examples of Control Block in a sentence
We do not say, for instance, that coffee filters attend to coffee or that digestive fluids attend to nutrients; although these filtering processes “select” their respective goods, they are not subject-involving and so do not count as instances of attention.
From the Closing of the Merger on September 10, 2014 to the Unwind on April 23, 2015, Charles Houghton and Phillip Stark, held the Control Block consisting of the 60,000,000 new shares of common stock which were issued by the Company and the One (1) Share of Series A Preferred Stock which was transferred from Richard DeCicco to Mr. Stark and Mr.Houghton.
Alongside the Session and Content Keys, the response from the License Server also contains additional 128-bit metadata called Key Control Block (KCB), one for each license key in the response, and is encrypted byits associated Content Key.
Then, these keys are used in OEMCrypto_LoadKeys to decrypt the license key and verify its integrity.Key Control Block.
The hardware scheduler is also able to save/restore the registers of a thread to a special on-chip memory, the Thread Control Block (TCB).