Examples of Convention of 1973 in a sentence
Supplier represents and warrants that it is and will at all times be in compliance with all applicable laws that prohibit child labor or other exploitation of children in the manufacturing and delivery of any goods hereunder, consistent with the International Labor Organization’s Minimum Age Convention of 1973.
Sweden is a party to the Patent Cooperation Treaty and the European Patent Convention of 1973; both entered into force in 1978.Copyrights: Sweden is a signatory to various multilateral conventions on the protection of copyrights, including the Berne Convention of 1971, the Rome Convention of 1961, and the WTO's trade related intellectual property (TRIPS) agreement.
The granting of patents and their protection is regulated by Law 1733/1987, which was inspired by the Munich Convention of 1973.
Seller represents and warrants that it complies with applicable labor and employment laws and prohibits any form of child labor or other exploitation of children in the manufacturing and delivery of Products, consistent with provisions of the International Labor Organization’s Minimum Age Convention of 1973.
As with many other issues, Iceland follows the European lead in protection of property rights and adheres to the European Patent Convention of 1973.
Like the United States, the European Patent Convention has a broad general statute for subject matter eligibility: “European patents shall be granted for any inventions, in all fields of technology, provided that they are new, involve an inventive step and are susceptible of industrial application.” European Patent Convention of 1973, as amended, Art.
V Records of the Louisiana Constitutional Convention of 1973; Convention Transcripts at 592.
However, the United States possesses sufficient legal authority to set more stringent standards.In addition to steps which may be necessary to implement the im- provements outlined above, this report also supports the finding that the International Pollution Convention of 1973 can enable several major improvements in the regulation of tankers toward substantially reducing worldwide oil pollution.
ILO has two conventions concerning child labour: C138, Minimum Age Convention of 1973 concerning the Minimum Age for Admission to Employment; and C182, Worst Forms of Child Labour Convention of 1999 concerning the Prohibition and Immediate Action of the Worst Forms of Child Labour.
With the advent of European harmonization under the Munich (European) Patent Convention of 1973, the diversity of models was essentially eliminated except for the Gebrauchsmuster.Nineteenth century German patent law admitted the Gebrauchsmuster (literally, “utility model" which permitted registration of this form of patent but with a very short patent term and limited subject matter patent-eligibility.