Examples of Convertible Note Investors in a sentence
If the Convertible Notes have not been fully repaid by the Company by the Maturity Date or converted into shares at the election of the Convertible Note Investors prior to the Maturity Date, then such Convertible Notes will accrue interest at the annual rate of 12% from the Maturity Date until the date the Convertible Notes are repaid in full.
Holding statements for Convertible Notes issued under this Prospectus will be mailed to the Convertible Note Investors.
Accordingly, Resolutions 2.1-2.7 seek approval by shareholders of the issue of the Convertible Notes to the Convertible Note Investors for the purposes of ASX Listing Rule 7.1 (so that the proposed issue does not reduce the Company's future placement capacity under the ASX Listing Rules).The terms of issue of the Convertible Notes are set out in section 3.
Voting ExclusionThe Company will disregard any votes cast on this Resolution by the Convertible Note Investors and any associate of the Convertible Note Investors.