Corruptly definition

Corruptly means done with a wrongful intent and for the purpose of obtaining, or compensating or receiving compensation for, any benefit resulting from some act or omission of a public servant which is inconsistent with the proper performance of his or her public duties.
Corruptly means in contravention of or against the spirit of any law, provision, rule, procedure, process, system, policy, practice, directive, order or any other term or condition pertaining to -
Corruptly means purposely doing an act, which tends to corrupt, or influence a person to do an act or omission contrary to established procedures;

Examples of Corruptly in a sentence

  • Corruptly giving or accepting or agreeing to give or accept a gift or payment as a reward for doing or not doing any act to do with the business.

  • Federal criminal liability may be imposed on any person who: Corruptly alters, destroys, mutilates or conceals a record, document or other object with the intent to impair its availability for use in an official proceeding, or Knowingly alters, covers up, falsifies or makes a false entry in any record, document or tangible object with the intent to impede or obstruct the investigation or administration of any matter by a federal government agency or bankruptcy court.

  • Corruptly soliciting or accepting, or agreeing to accept, anything of value from any person intending to influence or reward you in connection with their business with the Company is a criminal offense (18 USC § 215).

More Definitions of Corruptly

Corruptly means a wrongful design to acquire or cause some pecuniary or other advantage to the person guilty of the act or omission referred to, or to some other person.
Corruptly means a wrongful design to acquire or cause some
Corruptly means acting knowingly and dishonestly for a wrongful purposedone with a wrongful intent and for the purpose of compensating or paying for any benefit resulting from some act or omission of a public servant that is inconsistent with the proper performance of the [his] [her] public duties.
Corruptly means acting knowingly and dishonestly for a wrongful purpose done with a wrongful intent and for the purpose of obtaining or receiving compensation for any benefit resulting from some act or omission of a public servant that is inconsistent with the proper performance of [his] [her] the public servant’s public duties.
Corruptly means that the person specifically intends to injure or defraud (A) his or her employer, (B) the employer of the person to whom he or she offers, gives, or agrees to give the money or a thing of value, (C) the employer of the person from whom he or she requests, receives, or agrees to receive the money or a thing of value, or (D) a competitor of any such employer.
Corruptly means acting out of a wrongful design to acquire for oneself or another some pecuniary or other advantage;
Corruptly means an intent or desire to wrongfully influence the