Examples of Council Services in a sentence
Several Council Services use local systems to send orders to suppliers, for example: Adults Social Care, Transport, Highways, Property and Libraries.
To enable the Council to maintain an accurate oversight of procurement activity across the full range of Council Services, the Director of Procurement is responsible for the development of an Annual Procurement Forward Plan (APFP).
Similar responsibilities lie with Area Committees in respect of Area Scorecards and the local delivery of Council Services, and the Strategic Committees for service performance and the Audit and Scrutiny Committee in respect of key elements of the Corporate Plan.
The provision, planning, management and performance of Council Services, including support services, best value, the community plan and any other Council function not otherwise addressed by any other committee.
During the course of 2006 – 07 all Council Services conducted Equality Impact Assessments to examine the equality implications of all policies, procedures and practices within their area.