Examples of Joint Employees in a sentence
Expert services are those provided by an employee who has a special skill or knowledge representing mastery of a particular subject where the employee is hired to apply that masteryto a specific project.(f e) Joint Employees.
Analyze and evaluate the contractor proposals received and make recommendation to CLWB for the award of Contract.
ARTICLE Calling Men Joint Employees will be called as far as prac- ticable two hours in advance of the time required to report for duty, except in cases of emergency.
With regard to Minute 4 - Combined Employees Group Members considered the proposed constitution for the new combined group to be called the "Joint Employees Consultative Group" and RESOLVED, that the Minutes of the Joint Meeting of the Joint Staff and Joint Manual Workers Consultative Groups held on Wednesday 17 December 1997 be received and adopted and the proposed constitution for the new combined Employee Consultative Group be approved.
The Corporation will recognize a Joint Occupa- tional Health and Safety Committee estab- lished under the Occupational Health and Safety Act which will include, three repre- sentatives from the Corporation three representatives from Local .Furthermore, the Corporation will recognize practices and procedures agreed to by the Joint Employees are wear safety foot- wear, as required by the Occupational Health and Safety Act, and issued clothing at work where deemed necessary by the Corporation.
Joint Employees held off on Commission's business, or on Commission's order will be paid schedule rates for mileage or time lost and reasonable expenses if away from home.
DECISION: That the Minutes of Meeting of the Local Joint Employees Consultative Committee held on 26 January 2017 be received and the recommendations contained therein approved.
They can now cast their vote for the slate of their choice and they can also run for the Employees' Councils themselves: for the local Employees' Councils in Bonn or Berlin and for the Joint Employees' Council.
It is proposed that the Joint Employees will have one contract of employment and two employers (LBB and RE (Regional Enterprise) Ltd), however they will be solely employed by LBB during the performance of the non- delegable statutory powers.
Since 15 June 2021 the Local and Joint Employees' Councils (Personalräte - ÖPR and GPR) represent the freelancers.