School fiscal year means a fiscal year that commences July 1 and continues through June 30.
State Fiscal Year means the period beginning September 1 and ending August 31 each year, which is the annual accounting period for the State of Texas.
Trust Fiscal Year means the period commencing on March 1 of any year and ending on February 28 (or February 29, if applicable) of the following year.
Current state fiscal year means the state fiscal year for which a particular calculation is made.
Current Fiscal Year means the fiscal year for which a particular calculation is made.
Fiscal Year means the fiscal year of the Company.
Federal Fiscal Year means the period beginning October 1 and ending September 30 each year, which is the annual accounting period for the United States government.
Fiscal Year End means December 31 of each calendar year.
Fiscal Month means each calendar month.
Annual Accounting Period or “Financial Year” means the period commence on 1st July and shall end on 30th June of the succeeding calendar year.
Fiscal Quarter means a fiscal quarter of any Fiscal Year.
Most Recent Fiscal Year End has the meaning set forth in Section 4.7 below.
Fiscal Quarters means the period from January 1 to March 31, April 1 to June 30, July 1 to September 30 and October 1 to December 31 of the applicable year.
Operating Year means the calendar year commencing January 1st of each year (including the calendar year within which the Commencement Date occurs) during the Term.
Assessment year means the period of twelve months commencing on the 1st day of April every year;
Accounting Year means the financial year commencing from the first day of April of any calendar year and ending on the thirty-first day of March of the next calendar year;
Reporting Year means a twelve-month compliance reporting period required under the Applicable Program.
Crop year means any 12 month period which represents the planting, growing, harvesting and marketing of an insurable crop, as stated in the Schedules;
Quarter means, unless the context requires otherwise, a fiscal quarter of the Partnership, or, with respect to the fiscal quarter of the Partnership which includes the Closing Date, the portion of such fiscal quarter after the Closing Date.
Fiscal When followed by “month” or “quarter”, it refers to the relevant fiscal period based on the Loan Parties’ fiscal year and accounting conventions (e.g. reference to the Loan Parties’ “Fiscal June, 2007” is to the Loan Parties’ fiscal month of June in the calendar year 2006). When followed by reference to a specific year, it refers to the fiscal year which ends in a month of the year to which reference is being made (e.g. if the Loan Parties’ fiscal year ends in January 2007 reference to that year would be to the Loan Parties’ “Fiscal 2007”).
Operating Period for any Element of the Project shall mean the period from (and including) the COD of such Element of the Project, up to (and including) the Expiry Date and for the Project, shall mean the period from (and including) the COD of the Project, up to (and including) the Expiry Date;
County Auditor means the Greenville County Auditor, or the person holding any successor office of the County.
quarters means any building provided or intended to be provided for a workman to live in either temporarily or permanently and includes any room or building used or intended to be used whether communally or privately for the purposes of cooking, eating, washing or bathing and any latrines and urinals;
Calendar means discrete temporal reference system that provides the basis for defining temporal position to a resolution of one day;
Program Year means the annual period beginning January 1 and ending December 31.
End means the relevant Compounded Index value on the day falling the Relevant Number of Index Days prior to the Interest Payment Date for such Interest Period, or such other date on which the relevant payment of interest falls due (but which by its definition or the operation of the relevant provisions is excluded from such Interest Period);