Covered Cancer definition
Examples of Covered Cancer in a sentence
Any charges incurred for Confinement, treatment, consultation and/or medication for a Covered Cancer or any complication(s) thereof are not covered hereunder but shall be covered only in accordance with the provisions of Part II herein.
We shall reimburse the Reasonable and Customary charges actually incurred for the Insured’s Out-patient consultation visit(s) with, and Chinese medicines prescribed by, a Registered Chinese Medicine Practitioner for a Covered Cancer.
Any routine health screening carried out which is not directly due to the Covered Cancer shall not be covered.
We shall reimburse the Reasonable and Customary charges actually incurred for the Insured’s consultation visit(s) with a Registered Physiotherapist for a Covered Cancer.
We shall pay a Daily Hospital Cash Benefit in the amount shown on the Schedule of Benefits for each day of Confinement of the Insured for a Covered Cancer commencing from the thirty-first (31st) day of a covered Confinement after a Continuous Physical Stay of thirty (30) days.
NOTE: For critical illness insurance, the Pre-Existing Condition Exclusion Period shown on your Insurance Enrolment does not apply if you have ever had any form of Cancer (that is, not just a Covered Cancer).
We shall reimburse the Reasonable and Customary charges actually incurred for the Insured’s consultation visit(s) with a Registered Dietician for a Covered Cancer.
If the Insured’s Confinement in Hospital is Medically Necessary for such monitoring, subject to the Per Covered Cancer Limit and Lifetime Cancer Limit, we shall also reimburse the Reasonable and Customary charges actually incurred for such Confinement (based on the level of such charges applicable to Confinement in a Semi-Private Room) pursuant to II.1 (Hospitalisation and Treatment Benefits).
For each process above, the leading-twist cross section contains a specific modulation in the azimuthal angles of the final-state products whose coefficient is givenby the same universal simple product h1Hq, where Hq is a chiral-odd di-hadron fragmentation1 1function (DiFF) quantifying the correlation between the transverse polarization of the fragmenting quark and the relative momentum of the detected hadron pair [3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9].
Subject to the maximum limit per Policy specified in the Schedule of Benefits, we shall reimburse the Reasonable and Customary charges actually incurred for the purchase and / or rental of medical appliances related to Covered Cancer which are Medical Necessary and recommended by a Registered Medical Practitioner.