Crop Tree means the largest undamaged conifer trees with good form and free of disease.
Pump spray means a packaging system in which the product ingredients within the container are not under pressure and in which the product is expelled only while a pumping action is applied to a button, trigger or other actuator.
Columbarium means a building or other aboveground structure that is affixed to land and is a permanent repository for cremated human remains.
Specialty fertilizer means a fertilizer distributed primarily for nonfarm use.
Soda fountain means a place especially equipped
Total tetrahydrocannabinol means the same as that term is defined in § 3.2-4112.
Fossil fuel-fired means the combustion of fossil fuel or any derivative of fossil fuel, alone or in combination with any other fuel, independent of the percentage of fossil fuel consumed in any calendar year (expressed in mmBtu).
Fertilizer means any substance or mixture of substances that contains one or more recognized plant nutrients and promotes plant growth, or controls soil acidity or alkalinity, or provides other soil enrichment, or provides other corrective measures to the soil.
Ambulatory surgical center means any public or private State licensed and approved (whenever required by law) establishment with an organized medical staff of Physicians, with permanent facilities that are equipped and operated primarily for the purpose of performing Surgical Procedures, with continuous Physician services and registered professional nursing service whenever a patient is in the facility, and which does not provide service or other accommodations for patients to stay overnight.
Single Phase Aerosol Air Freshener means an aerosol air freshener with the liquid contents in a single homogeneous phase and which does not require that the product container be shaken before use.
L.S.D. means lysergic acid diethylamide.
Flexible vinyl adhesive means an aerosol adhesive designed to bond flexible vinyl to substrates. Flexible vinyl means a nonrigid polyvinyl chloride plastic with at least five percent, by weight, of plasticizer content. A plasticizer is a material, such as a high boiling point organic solvent, that is incorporated into a vinyl to increase its flexibility, workability, or distensibility, and may be determined using ASTM Method E260-91 or from product formulation data.
co-pilot means a pilot operating other than as pilot-in-command, on an aircraft for which more than one pilot is required, but excluding a pilot who is on board the aircraft for the sole purpose of receiving flight instruction for a licence or rating.
Dry cleaning fluid means any non-aqueous liquid product designed and labeled exclusively for use on: fabrics which are labeled "for dry clean only", such as clothing or drapery; or S-coded fabrics. Dry cleaning fluid includes, but is not limited to, those products used by commercial dry cleaners and commercial businesses that clean fabrics such as draperies at the customer's residence or work place. Dry cleaning fluid does not include spot remover or carpet and upholstery cleaner. For the purposes of this definition, S-coded fabric means an upholstery fabric designed to be cleaned only with water-free spot cleaning products as specified by the Joint Industry Fabric Standards Committee.
Outer clothing means clothing that is not worn next to the skin or immediately over a garment that is being worn as underwear but ‘outer clothing’ includes hats; shoes; boots; gloves and scarves.
Ambulatory surgical facility means a facility that:
Public water supply system means a system for the provision to the public of piped water for human consumption, if the system has at least fifteen service connections or regularly serves at least twenty-five individuals. The term includes any source of water and any collection, treatment, storage, and distribution facilities under control of the operator of the system and used primarily in connection with the system, and any collection or pretreatment storage facilities not under such control which are used primarily in connection with the system.
Chain pharmacy warehouse means a physical location for prescription drugs that acts as a central warehouse and performs intracompany sales or transfers of the prescription drugs to a group of chain pharmacies that have the same common ownership and control.
Grocery store means any retail establishment, the business of which consists of the sale of food, food products, or beverages for consumption off the premises.
Distribution center means a building or structure used primarily for the storage of goods which are intended for subsequent shipment to retail outlets. Distribution center does not mean a building or structure used primarily to store raw agricultural products, used primarily by a manufacturer to store goods to be used in the manufacturing process, used primarily for the storage of petroleum products, or used for the retail sale of goods.
Double Phase Aerosol Air Freshener means an aerosol air freshener with the liquid contents in two or more distinct phases that requires the product container be shaken before use to mix the phases, producing an emulsion.
Tetrahydrocannabinol or "THC" means the natural or synthetic equivalents of the substances contained in the plant, or in the resinous extractives of, cannabis, or any synthetic substances, compounds, salts, or derivatives of the plant or chemicals and their isomers with similar chemical structure and pharmacological activity.
Nitrogen oxides means nitric oxide and nitrogen dioxide, expressed as nitrogen dioxide (NO2);
Retail marijuana store means an entity licensed to purchase marijuana from marijuana cultivation facilities and marijuana and marijuana products from marijuana product manufacturing facilities and to sell marijuana and marijuana products to consumers.
Brachytherapy source means a radioactive source or a manufacturer-assembled source train or a combination of these sources that is designed to deliver a therapeutic dose within a distance of a few centimeters.
Polyolefin Adhesive means an aerosol adhesive designed to bond polyolefins to substrates.