Examples of Crown cover in a sentence
Crown cover was the sole variable that was not influenced by gender of the farmer.Men had higher tree species diversity compared to women, and large farms had more tree species compared to smaller farms.
Crown cover graphed against the quantitative auxiliary variables with the forest-nonforest classification given by color.
Crown cover is the ratio of total area of crown projections to the plot area.
Crown cover of infected plots did not differ from uninfected plots (Table 1).
This policy is implemented through Comprehensive Plan Land Use designation, zoning designation, and zoning code provisions.
Crown cover must be in excess of 20% and the forest must consisit of trees that have the potential to reach 5 m in height and includes recently clearfelled areas.Trees grown for fruit or flowers and woody species such as furze (Ulex europeaus) and rhododendron are excluded (Hendrick, E.
Communities explainedthat high yielding seed also requires chemical fertilizers if it is increase its yields as such there is need to look at these issues in tandem.
Crown cover / shading regimes (expressed as a percentage of one hectare) ranged from 5.8 ±1.22 % to 16.3 ±1.74 % in the studydistricts.
The CPT of Crown cover (Lidar) is defined as a normal distribution around the actual crown cover.
All notices required under this Agreement must be served, either personally or by certified mail, upon the Parties’ respective municipal clerks.