Examples of Ground cover in a sentence
Ground cover or inert material shall not be used to spell out names, nicknames, names of states, city athletic teams, slogans, states, emblems, geometric patterns, or any other communication.
Ground cover shrubs and trees shall be located and maintained so as to not interfere with vehicular and pedestrian traffic on the property or with sight distance clearance at entrances and exits.
Ground cover shall be planted by excavating to a depth sufficient to accommodate the root structure of plant materials without crimping or bending roots.
Ground cover plant species shall meet the following minimum standards: plants from 4-inch pots shall be spaced a maximum of 18 inches measured on center, and 1-2 gallon size plants shall be spaced a maximum of 3 feet measured on center.
Ground cover shall be trimmed at the edge of hard surfaces (sidewalks and curbs) trails, and bed areas.