CSSF Circular 11/512 definition

CSSF Circular 11/512 means the CSSF circular 11/512 of 30 May 2011 determining the (i) presentation of the main regulatory changes in risk management following the publication of CSSF Regulation 10‐4 and ESMA clarifications, (ii) further clarifications from the CSSF on risk management rules and (iii) the definition of the content and format of the risk management process to be communicated to the CSSF.

Related to CSSF Circular 11/512

  • SEBI Circular means circular no. CIR/CFD/CMD/4/2015 dated September 9, 2015, issued by the SEBI on continuous disclosure requirements for listed entities, as amended or substituted from time to time;

  • Circular 37 means the Notice on Relevant Issues Concerning Foreign Exchange Administration for Domestic Residents to Engage in Overseas Financing and Round Trip Investment via Overseas Special Purpose Companies (《国家外汇管理局关于境内居民通过境外特殊目的公司境外投融资及返程投资外汇管理有关问题的通知》) issued by SAFE on July 4, 2014, and its amendment and interpretation promulgated by SAFE from time to time.

  • Information Circular means a completed Form 51-102F5 Information Circular; “informed person” means

  • Company Circular means the notice of the Company Meeting and accompanying management information circular, including all schedules, appendices and exhibits to, and information incorporated by reference in, such management information circular, to be sent to Company Shareholders in connection with the Company Meeting, as amended, supplemented or otherwise modified from time to time in accordance with the terms of this Agreement.

  • Scheme Circular means any circular to the shareholders of the Target to be issued by the Target setting out the proposals for any Scheme.

  • Canadian Securities Regulatory Authorities means, collectively, the securities regulatory authority in each of the provinces and territories of Canada;

  • UK Prospectus Regulation means Regulation (EU) 2017/1129 as it forms part of domestic law by virtue of the EUWA;

  • Final Offering Circular means the final offering circular relating to the Offered Securities to be offered by the Purchasers that discloses the offering price and other final terms of the Offered Securities and is dated as of the date of this Agreement (even if finalized and issued subsequent to the date of this Agreement).

  • Foreign Financial Regulatory Authority shall have the meaning given by Section 2(a)(50) of the 0000 Xxx.

  • foreign national means the following:

  • Offering Circular means the final offering circular or memorandum, if any, or any other final written materials authorized by the Issuer to be used in connection with an Offering that is not a Registered Offering. “Preliminary Offering Circular” means any preliminary offering circular or memorandum, if any, or any other written preliminary materials authorized by the Issuer to be used in connection with such an Offering. As used herein, the terms “Offering Circular” and “Preliminary Offering Circular” include the material, if any, incorporated by reference therein. We will either, as soon as practicable after the later of the date of the Invitation Wire or the date made available to us by the Issuer, furnish to you (or make available for your review) a copy of any Preliminary Offering Circular or any proof or draft of the Offering Circular. In any event, in any Offering involving an Offering Circular, the Manager will furnish, make available to you, or make arrangements for you to obtain, as soon as practicable after sufficient quantities thereof are made available by the Issuer, copies (which may, to the extent permitted by law, be in electronic form) of the Preliminary Offering Circular and Offering Circular, as amended or supplemented, if applicable (but excluding, for this purpose, documents incorporated therein by reference).

  • Public Finance Management Act ’ means the Public Finance Management Act, 1999 (Act No. 1 of 1999);

  • UCC Filing Authorization Letter means a letter duly executed by each Loan Party authorizing the Agent to file appropriate financing statements on Form UCC-1 without the signature of such Loan Party in such office or offices as may be necessary or, in the opinion of the Agent, desirable to perfect the security interests purported to be created by each Security Agreement, each Pledge Agreement and each Mortgage.

  • Public Procurement Regulatory Authority (PPRA) means the Government Agency responsible for oversight of public procurement.

  • Municipal Finance Management Act means the Local Government: Municipal Finance Management Act, 2003 (Act No. 56 of 2003);

  • Prospectus Regulation means Regulation (EU) 2017/1129.

  • IRB means institutional review board;

  • Circular means the notice of the Meeting and accompanying management information circular, including all schedules, appendices and exhibits thereto, to be sent to each Shareholder and other Persons as required by the Interim Order and Law in connection with the Meeting, as amended, modified or supplemented from time to time in accordance with the terms of this Agreement.

  • Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) means the U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission or its duly authorized representatives.

  • Publication NPC-205 means Ministry Publication NPC-205, Sound Level Limits for Stationary Sources in Class 1 & 2 Areas (Urban), October, 1995; and

  • Form 4224 means Form 4224 (Exemption from Withholding of Tax on Income Effectively Connected with the Conduct of a Trade or Business in the United States) of the Department of the Treasury of the United States of America (or in relation to either such Form such successor and related forms as may from time to time be adopted by the relevant taxing authorities of the United States of America to document a claim to which such Form relates).

  • Securities Regulatory Authorities means the securities commission or similar regulatory authority in each province and territory of Canada that is responsible for administering the Canadian securities legislation in force in such jurisdictions;

  • Tax Regulatory Agreement means the Tax Regulatory Agreement dated as of the date hereof by and among the Company, the Issuer and the Trustee.

  • Foreign terrorist organization means an organization designated as a foreign terrorist organization by the United States secretary of state as authorized by 8 U.S.C. Section 1189.

  • Solvency II Regulation means Commission Delegated Regulation ((EU No. 2015/35).

  • StarCompliance Code of Ethics application means the web-based application used to electronically pre-clear personal securities transactions and file many of the reports required herein. The application can be accessed via the AB network at: https://alliance-ng.starcompliance.com/.