Examples of Current Liabilities in a sentence
Current Liabilities 26Accounts Payable$$2627Officer's Accounts Payable 2728Accounts Payable-Patient Deposits 2829Short-Term Notes Payable 2930Accrued Salaries Payable 30 31Accrued Taxes Payable(excluding real estate taxes) 3132Accrued Real Estate Taxes(Sch.IX-B) 3233Accrued Interest Payable 3334Deferred Compensation 3435Federal and State Income Taxes 35 Other Current Liabilities(specify): 36 3637 37 38TOTAL Current Liabilities(sum of lines 26 thru 37) $ $ 38 D.
The statement of claim must specify the relief sought and the facts that give rise to the claim, as this determines the subject matter of the dispute and outlines the scope of the arbitrators’ decision-making authority sought by the claimant.52 The reproduction of the arbitration agreement is necessary for several reasons:First and foremost, it lets the DIS Secretariat know whether resolution of the dispute through arbitration is even an option at all.
Wages & salaries, annual leave and vesting sick leave are all classified as Current Liabilities.
NAV of Units under each Plan shall be calculated as shown below: Market or Fair Value of the Plan’s Investments+ Current Assets– Current Liabilities and ProvisionsNAV (Rs.) = -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------No. of Units outstanding under each Plan The AMC will calculate and disclose the first NAV of the Plan(s) not later than 5 Business Days from the allotment of units of the respective Plan(s).
NAV of Units under the Options there under can be calculated as shown below: (Market or Fair Value of Scheme’s investments + Current assets including Accrued Income - Current Liabilities and provisions including accrued expenses)NAV = No. of Units outstanding under the Scheme/Option.