Examples of Customs Union Agreement in a sentence
The Agreement extends the internal market to these three EFTA States – commonly known as EEA EFTA States.The Customs Union Agreement between the EU and Turkey aims to ensure the free movement of products between the EU and Turkey, by eliminating import controls at the EU-Turkey border on such products.
The purposes of this chapter are to: Provide an overview of current learning theory for test and measurement.Describe test and measurement theory for Computer- Managed Instruction (CMI) and Interactive Courseware (ICW).
The Customs Union Agreement covers trade in manufactured products between Turkey and the EU, and entails alignment by Turkey with all EU product legislation.
The Agreement extends the internal market to these three EFTA States — commonly known as EEA EFTA States.— The Customs Union Agreement between the EU and Turkey aims to ensure the free movement of products between the EU and Turkey, by eliminating import controls at the EU-Turkey border on such products.
Pursuant to Article 66, Articles 5 to 7 must, for the purposes of their implementation and application to products covered by the Customs Union Agreement, be interpreted in conformity with the relevant case law of the Court of Justice, most notably the Cassis de Dijon case on mutual recognition.
The Customs Union Agreement between the Governments of Botswana, Lesotho, South Africa and Swaziland concluded on 11 December 1969, and acceded to by Namibia, shall terminate on entry into force of this Agreement, except as provided for in Article 50.
Stamp taxes on the issue and negotiation of securities Pursuant to the Customs Union Agreement between Switzerland and Liechtenstein, Swiss stamp duty law is also applicable in Liechtenstein.
The Committee sets up its own rules of procedure and it is chaired by the Commission and composed of the representatives of EU Member States and those states which signed either the EU- EEA agreement or the Customs Union Agreement with the EU.
It entered into force on March 1, 1970, thereby replacing the Customs Union Agreement of 1910.
It came into existence in 1969 with the signature of the Customs Union Agreement between Botswana, Lesotho, Namibia, South Africa, and Swaziland.