Examples of Cyclone boiler in a sentence
Cyclone boiler means a boiler with one or more water-cooled horizontal cylindrical chambers in which coal combustion takes place.
BoilersAF Arch-fired boiler BFB Bubbling fluidized bed boiler C Cyclone boiler CB Cell burner boiler CFB Circulating fluidized bed boiler DB Dry bottom wall-fired boiler DTF Dry bottom turbo-fired boiler DVF Dry bottom vertically-fired boilerBoilersOB Other boiler PFB Pressurized fluidized bed boiler S Stoker T Tangentially-fired boiler WBF Wet bottom wall-fired If there is uncertainty about how a unit should be characterized, contact Robert Miller at miller.robertl@epa.gov or (202) 343-9077.
T h i s defi n i t io n s h a ll i n cl u de low NOX b urn e r s, ove r fi r e a i r , o r low NOX b urn e r s wi t h ove r fi r e a i r .Cyclone boiler m e a n s a boile r wi t h o n e o r m o r e w a t e r - cooled h o r izo n t a l c y li n- d r ic a l c h a m be r s i n w h ic h co a l co m b u s- t io n t a k es pl a ce.