Date of Loan definition
Examples of Date of Loan in a sentence
Loan Term and Amortization Type Numeric – Integer 60 999 Always >0 N/A 30 First Payment Date of Loan The date of the first scheduled mortgage payment to be made by the borrower as specified on the mortgage note.
Date of Loan Effectiveness– In Loan Agreement– Actual– Number of Extensions 6.
Identification 1.1 Name of project 1.2 Name of client 1.3 Loan or Legal Documentation number 1.4 Date of Loan effectiveness 1.5 Last Availability Date (LAD)(a) original(b) revised (if applicable) 1.6 Contract number (identification) 1.7 Contract description 1.8 Cost estimate (as per the procurement plan no-objected by the Bank) 1.9 Method of procurement (tick one)Open Selective Tendering Local Competitive Tendering Shopping Other 1.10 Prior review requiredYes No Table 2.
The inventory listing must include: Account Number, Name, Date of Loan, Loan Type, Amortization Method, Frequency of Payment, interest Rate, Original Amount Financed, Current Balance, Original Term, Remaining Term, Monthly Payment, Last Payment Date, Maturity Date, Next Payment Date, Appraised Value, Loan to Value, and Debt Service Coverage Ratio.
If facilities of the System which are detrimentally affected by flooding are or will be located in designated special flood or mudslide-prone areas and if flood insurance is available at a reasonable cost, a flood insurance policy must be obtained by the Local Government on or before the Date of Loan Closing, as hereinafter defined, and maintained so long as any of the Local Bonds are outstanding.
Tanggal Jatuh Tempo Pinjaman Date of Loan Maturity : {maturity date of loan} Pinjaman Loan : Peminjam wajib mengembalikan Pinjaman sejumlah Rp {total amount of loan to repay} pada Tanggal Jatuh Tempo Pinjaman Borrowers shall return a loan of Rp. {total amount of loan to repay} on the Loan Maturity Bunga Pinjaman xxx biaya lainnya Loan Interest and other fees : 0,8% (nol koma delapan persen) per hari dari total pinjaman pokok 0,8% (zero point eight) per day from the total of Loan Principal.
Date of Loan Effectiveness– In Loan Agreement– Actual– Number of Extensions 24 November 200616 November 2006 none6.
NOTES PAYABLE (Continued) Date of Loan Loan Original Amount Date of Interest Loan Balance September 30,Entity Lender's Name Issue Currency(USD) Maturity Rate Commission 2018 (USD) Vitas PalestineResponsAbility SICAV10/11/2016USD$ 1,000,000 8.
Notwithstanding anything else herein the Repayment Amount (to the extent unpaid and not otherwise converted pursuant to section 5.2(a)) is due and payable in full on the tenth anniversary of the Date of Loan.
We have agreed the Date of Loan Maturity from the Extraction File to that shown on the Offer Letter.