de facto partner means: (i) a person who, although not legally married to the employee, lives with the employee in a relationship as a couple on a genuine domestic basis (whether the employee and the person are of the same sex or different sexes); and (ii) includes a former de facto partner of the employee.
de facto spouse means a person of the opposite sex to the employee who lives with the employee as the husband or wife of the employee on a bona fide domestic basis, although not legally married to that person.
Guardian in respect of a Minor shall mean the person(s) appointed as the guardian(s) under or acting by virtue of the Guardianship of Minors Ordinance (Cap 13. of the Laws of Hong Kong).
war widower s pension” means any pension or allowance payable to a man as a widower or to a surviving civil partner under an instrument specified in section 639(2) of the Income Tax (Earnings and Pensions) Act 2003 in respect of the death or disablement of any person;
war widow s pension” means any pension or allowance payable to a woman as a widow under an instrument specified in section 639(2) of the Income Tax (Earnings and Pensions) Act 2003 in respect of the death or disablement of any person;
Kinship guardianship means a relationship established in accordance with § 63.2-1305 between a child and an adult relative of the child who has formerly acted as the child's foster parent that is intended to be permanent and self-sustaining as evidenced by the transfer by the court to the adult relative of the child of the authority necessary to ensure the protection, education, care and control, and custody of the child and the authority for decision making for the child.
Certified Domestic Violence Specialist means a person who has fulfilled the requirements of certification as a Domestic Violence Specialist established by the New Jersey Association of Domestic Violence Professionals.
Legal guardian means a person recognized by a court of law as having the duty of taking care of the person and managing the property and rights of an individual that is placed with such person by judgment, decree or other order of any court of competent jurisdiction.
Dependency guardian means the person, nonprofit corporation, or Indian tribe appointed by the court pursuant to this chapter for the limited purpose of assisting the court in the supervision of the dependency.
Violent juvenile felony means any of the delinquent acts enumerated in subsection B or C of
Regional health planning agency means the regional agency, including the regional health planning
Parent/Guardian means a birth or adoptive parent, legal guardian, or other person having responsibility for, or legal custody of, a child.
Caretaker relative means a relative of a dependent child by blood, adoption, or marriage with whom the child is living, who assumes primary responsibility for the child's care (as may, but is not required to, be indicated by claiming the child as a tax dependent for federal income tax purposes), and who is one of the following:
Tobacco paraphernalia means any item designed or marketed for the consumption, use, or preparation of Tobacco Products.
Sadomasochistic abuse means actual or explicitly simulated flagellation or torture by or upon a person who is nude or clad in undergarments, a mask or bizarre costume, or the condition of being fettered, bound or otherwise physically restrained on the part of one so clothed.
Diversional Therapist means a person who provides, facilitates and co-ordinates group and individual leisure and recreational activities. This person must be a graduate from an approved university course which includes: An Associate Diploma and Diploma of Applied Science (Diversional Therapy); Bachelor of Applied Sciences (Leisure and Health); Bachelor of Applied Science (Diversional Therapy); Diploma or Bachelor of Health Sciences (Leisure and Health); an Associate Diploma course in Diversional Therapy; or who has such other qualifications deemed to be equivalent (such as a Four-year degree, Master’s Degree or PhD).
Departmental Representative means the person designated in the Contract, or by written notice to the Contractor, to act as the Departmental Representative for the purposes of the Contract, and includes a person, designated and authorized in writing by the Departmental Representative to the Contractor;
Child or Children means a child or children unmarried
LODR means the Securities and Exchange Board of India (Listing Obligations and Disclosure Requirements) Regulations, 2015
Family child care provider means a person who: (a) Provides
Preschool child means a child who is three years old or older but is not a school child.
School District Official For the purposes of this Agreement and pursuant to 34 CFR 99.31 (B) and Wis. Stat. § 118.125(2)(d), a School District Official is a contractor that: (1) Performs an institutional service or function for which the agency or institution would otherwise use employees; (2) Is under the direct control of the agency or institution with respect to the use and maintenance of education records; and (3) Is subject to 34 CFR 99.33(a) and Wis. Stat. § 118.125(2) governing the use and re-disclosure of personally identifiable information from student records. SDPC (The Student Data Privacy Consortium): Refers to the national collaborative of schools, districts, regional, territories and state agencies, policy makers, trade organizations and marketplace providers addressing real-world, adaptable, and implementable solutions to growing data privacy concerns.
near relative in relation to a seaman means the wife or parent or a grandparent, child, grandchild, brother or sister of the seaman or the guardian or the person having the custody of a child of the seaman;
Executor means any executor, administrator or other person administering the estate of a deceased person;
Cardiopulmonary resuscitation or "CPR" means artificial ventilation or external chest compression applied to a person who is unresponsive and not breathing.
Public safety officer means a member serving a public