Examples of Debt management plan in a sentence
One of the purposes of WIOA is to increase access to and opportunities for employment, education, training, and supportive services needed to succeed in the labor market, particularly for eligible participants with barriers to employment.
Examples of Unrelated Trade or Business ActivitiesExamples of some of the more common forms of unrelated trade or business activities include:❚ Advertising,❚ Gaming,❚ Sale of merchandise and publications,❚ Rental income,❚ Parking lots, and❚ Debt management plan services.
Debt management plan services Debt management plan services are services related to the repayment, consolidation, or restructuring of a consumer’s debt, and includes the negotiation with creditors of lower interest rates, the waiver or reduction of fees, and the marketing and processing of debt management plans.
Further information about bankruptcy can be found at https://www.gov.uk/government/publications/bankruptcy Debt management plan (DMP)DMPs are an agreement between the debtor and his/her creditors to pay their debts in full over period of time.
Board of Directors, held September 10, 2019, approved the Debt management plan (liabilities), which considered the acquisition in the secondary market for US$ 600,000 thousand (equivalent to S/ 2,172,600 thousand) of COFIDE bonds with maturity in 2022 and 2025.