Examples of Virginia Stormwater Management Program in a sentence
This permit authorizes the City to discharge stormwater pursuant to the Virginia Stormwater Management Program and the Virginia Stormwater Management Act.
Land-disturbing activities that disturb one acre or greater, or 2,500 square feet or greater in an area designated as a Chesapeake Bay Preservation Area, require coverage under the Department of Conservation and Recreation’s Virginia Stormwater Management Program (VSMP) General Permit for the Discharge of Stormwater from Construction Activities (hereafter referred to as the VSMP Construction Permit).
All non-stormwater discharges to the County’s storm drain system, which includes the curb and gutter as well as the underground pipe network, or any open watercourse must comply with the conditions of Section A.1.a.3 of the County’s Virginia Stormwater Management Program, Municipal Separate Storm Sewer System (MS4) Permit.
If the land-disturbing activity at any single structure location is 1 acre or greater (2500 square feet or greater in a Chesapeake Bay Preservation Area), a Virginia Stormwater Management Program (VSMP) Construction Permit is required.
Prepare and implement an Erosion and Sediment Control (“ESC”) Plan and a Stormwater Management Plan in compliance with the Virginia Erosion and Sediment Control Law, the Virginia Erosion and Sediment Control Regulations, the Virginia Stormwater Management Program, the Virginia Stormwater Management Regulations.