Examples of Debt Reform Act in a sentence
Bond Authorization Act, 30 ILCS 305/2 Bond Issue Notification Act, 30 ILCS 352/ Local Government Debt Reform Act, 30 ILCS 350/.
Bond Issue Notification Act, 30 ILCS 352/.Local Government Debt Reform Act, 30 ILCS 350/.
These bonds must be identified as limited bonds by the governing authority at the time they are issued under Section 3 of the Local Government Debt Reform Act.
General Obligation Tax Anticipation Warrants General Obligation Tax Anticipation Warrants are authorized by the Local Government Debt Reform Act (30 ILCS 350/).
Under the Local Government Debt Reform Act, a district may issue refunding warrants or general obligation bonds to refund warrants should taxes or other revenues be delayed or insufficient to pay the warrants.
DOB, as administrator of the Debt Reform Act, determined that the State was in compliance with the statutory caps in the most recent calculation period.
Once issued, the Bonds shall be and forever remain until paid or defeased the general obligation of the Village, for the payment of which its full faith and credit are pledged, and shall be payable, in addition to the Pledged Revenues, from the levy of the Pledged Taxes as provided in the Debt Reform Act.
Bond Issue Notification Act, 30 ILCS 352/1.Local Government Debt Reform Act, 30 ILCS 350/.
It was determined that the State was in compliance with the statutory caps in the most recent calculation period (FY 2015).Current projections anticipate that debt outstanding and debt service will continue to remain below the limits imposed by the Debt Reform Act.
For ease of discussion this chapter refers to "firm" or "non-firm" generators to distinguish between generators that opt to purchase firm access rights and those thatdo not.