Examples of EP Act in a sentence
DWER recommends that you obtain independent legal advice.• Applicants seeking further information relating to requirements under the EP Act and/or EP Regulations are directed to the Parliamentary Counsel’s Office website (www.legislation.wa.gov.au).
Your application may be returned if multiple options are selected.]under Part V, Division 3 of the EP Act.
We request that you consent to receiving all correspondence relating to instruments and notices under Part V of the EP Act (Part V documents) electronically via email, by indicating your consent in Section 2.3.• Companies or body corporates making an application must nominate an authorised representative from within their organisation.
If a relevant exemption under Schedule 6 of the EP Act or regulation 5 of the Environmental Protection (Clearing of Native Vegetation) Regulations 2004 (WA) (Clearing Regulations) may apply, provide details.• Note that in some cases, DWER may require that the clearing components of a works approval or licence (or amendment) application be submitted separately through the clearing permit application process.
The Minister responsible for the Environmental Protection Act 1994 (EP Act), pursuant to section 549 of the EP Act, has approved the standard environmental conditions contained in this code.