Examples of Declared CUF in a sentence
The Power Producer shall maintain generation so as to achieve annual CUF within + 10% (maximum CUF) and -15% (minimum CUF) of the Declared CUF till the end of 10 years from COD, subject to the annual CUF remaining minimum of 17%, and within +10% (maximum CUF) and -20% (minimum CUF) of the Declared CUF of the annual CUF thereafter till the end of the PPA duration of 25 years.
If the plant is ready but the necessary power evacuation/ transmission infrastructure beyond Delivery Point is not ready, leading to offtake constraint a) The normative CUF of 19% (nineteen per cent) or Declared CUF, whichever is lower, for the period of grid unavailability beyond Delivery Point, shall be taken for the purpose of calculation of generation loss.
If the plant is ready but the necessary power evacuation/ transmission infrastructure beyond Delivery Point is not ready, leading to offtake constraint The normative CUF of 19% (nineteen per cent) or Declared CUF, whichever is lower, for the period of grid unavailability beyond Delivery Point, shall be taken for the purpose of calculation of generation loss.
SCHEDULE 1: LIST OF LOAs ISSUED TO WPDs Sl. No. WPD Name Project Capacity (MW) Declared CUF at the time of Bidding (%) Applicable Tariff as per SECI-WPD PPA(Rs/kWh) 2 SCHEDULE 2: BUYER-WPD PPA [Shall be provided to Buying Entity within ….