Examples of Defence Council in a sentence
Part 2—The Kenya Defence Forces 241—Establishment of Defence Forces and Defence Council.
Policy is approved by The Defence Council for the Army and the RAF and by the Privy Council for the Royal Navy.
In 1990, the Provisional National Defence Council (PNDC) passed the Narcotics Drugs Control, Enforcement and Sanctions Law (PNDCL 236).
With few exceptions, CDP formulates Service living accommodation policy on behalf of the Defence Council in respect of all three services pursuant to its powers and delegations.
PART 2—THE KENYA DEFENCE FORCES 241—Establishment of Defence Forces and Defence Council.
Day or night, sun, rain or snow, hot and humid or absolutley frigid...he was always there when the call went out.
He chairs the Defence Council [which directs PUS] and thence the Chief of Defence Personnel (CDP).
Oleksiy Danilov, the secretary of Ukraine's National Security and Defence Council, told Ukrainian television on Saturday night.
The National Defence Council functions as an advisory body to the President of the Republic in matters of national defence.
He referred specifically to the powers under Article 119 of the National Defence Council (over which the President presided), as regulated by a specific law which Professor Popescu had not mentioned in his evidence.