Dehcho Community definition

Dehcho Community means [communities would be named]
Dehcho Community means the community of Ft. Providence, West Point, Ka’a’gee Tu, Jean Marie River, Ft. Simpson, Sambaa K’e, Nahanni Butte, Pehdzeh Ki.
Dehcho Community means the community of Ft. Providence, West Point, Ka’a’gee Tu,

Examples of Dehcho Community in a sentence

  • This right does not preclude others from harvesting Furbearers in Dehcho Ndehe or Dehcho Community Lands with the consent of the Dehcho Government.

  • Where the Dehcho Community Government and the Government of the Northwest Territories do not reach agreement on funding levels, the Dehcho Community government may refer, for resolution under chapter 46, the question as to whether the method used for determining comparable funding levels is equitable.

  • No Dehcho Community Government will have less than four councillors.

  • Executive understands the Company will pay for any administrative or hearing fees charged by the arbitrator or AAA except that Executive shall pay the first $125.00 of any filing fees associated with any arbitration Executive initiates.

  • In the event of a conflict between a Dehcho Law or Dehcho Community Law and a Federal Law or Territorial Law, priority shall be determined in accordance with the Dehcho Agreement.

  • On Dehcho Community Lands, local Dehcho Community Governments retain these authorities.50 15.1.6 In the event of an Emergency, the Dehcho Government or the Government of the Northwest Territories, as applicable, may impose an interim limitation or restriction pursuant to 15.1.4 and 15.1.5 upon notice to the other Government.

  • On Dehcho Community Lands, local Dehcho Community Governments retain these authorities.125 122 DFN have noted that current Treaty 11 harvesting rights extend beyond the proposed Settlement Area.

  • This provision will not prevent a Dehcho Community Government from recovering any costs associated with the remediation from a Person who is liable for these costs.

  • Dehcho Community Governments: could combine existing Dehcho First Nations and municipal governments into a new local government body.

  • The Dehcho Government would be comprised of representatives chosen by each Dehcho Community, as well as a Grand Chief.

Related to Dehcho Community

  • the Community means both:

  • College community means trustees, students, staff, faculty, and visitors on college-owned or controlled facilities.

  • School Community means all parents, students and staff of the school and all other persons who have a legitimate interest in or connection with the school.

  • University Community means all students and employees of the University, persons officially associated with the University, former students and alumni at the University, as well as invitees, visitors and guests.

  • Rural community ’ means any city having a population of fewer than 50,000 or except as otherwise provided, any unincorporated area. Unincorporated areas within any county having a population of more than 100,000 are not eligible; and

  • Planned community means a common interest community that is not a condominium or a cooperative. A condominium or cooperative may be part of a planned community.

  • traditional communities means communities recognised in terms of section 3 of the Eastern Cape Traditional Leadership and Governance Act, 2005 (Act No. 4 of 2005).

  • local community means any community of people living or having rights or interests in a distinct geographical area;

  • Member of the University Community means any person who is a volunteer including high school students, an enrolled student, faculty or staff member, University official, any other person employed by the University or campus visitors.

  • Transient non-community water system or “transient non-CWS” means a non- CWS that does not regularly serve at least 25 of the same persons over six months of the year.

  • European Communities means the European Economic Community, the European Coal and Steel Community and the European Atomic Energy Community.

  • Urban Coordinating Council Empowerment Neighborhood means a neighborhood given priority access to State resources through the New Jersey Redevelopment Authority.

  • Natural resources means all land, fish, shellfish, wildlife, biota,

  • Enterprise zone means a neighborhood enterprise zone designated under the neighborhood enterprise zone act, 1992 PA 147, MCL 207.771 to 207.787.

  • Home and community-based services or "HCBS" means Home and Community-Based Services as defined in OAR chapter 411, division 004.

  • Non-community water system means a public water system that is not a community water system.

  • Community association means an association in which membership is a condition of ownership or shareholder interest of a unit in a condominium, cooperative, townhouse, villa, or other residential unit that is part of a residential development plan as a master association or common interest community and that is authorized to impose an assessment and other costs that may become a lien on the unit or lot.

  • European Community means the territory comprised by the Member States of the European Community as constituted from time to time;

  • Municipal Finance Management Act means the Local Government: Municipal Finance Management Act, 2003 (Act No. 56 of 2003);

  • Cultural resources means archaeological and historic sites and artifacts, and traditional religious, ceremonial and social uses and activities of affected Indian tribes.

  • Community means the community consisting of one or more of the following: (1) a Government, (2) an Enrolled Affiliate using eligible Government Community Cloud Services to provide solutions to a Government or a qualified member of the Community, or (3) a Customer with Customer Data that is subject to Government regulations for which Customer determines and Microsoft agrees that the use of Government Community Cloud Services is appropriate to meet Customer’s regulatory requirements.

  • Community basin means an infiltration system, sand filter designed to infiltrate, standard constructed wetland, or wet pond, established in accordance with N.J.A.C. 7:8-4.2(c)14, that is designed and constructed in accordance with the New Jersey Stormwater Best Management Practices Manual, or an alternate design, approved in accordance with N.J.A.C. 7:8-5.2(g), for an infiltration system, sand filter designed to infiltrate, standard constructed wetland, or wet pond and that complies with the requirements of this chapter.

  • Spatial Planning and Land Use Management Act means the Spatial Planning and Land Use Management Act, 2013 (Act 16 of 2013);

  • Ecology means the Washington State Department of Ecology.

  • Non-transient non-community water system means a public water system that is not a community water system and that regularly serves at least 25 of the same persons over 6 months per year.

  • Public Finance Management Act ’ means the Public Finance Management Act, 1999 (Act No. 1 of 1999);