Examples of Home and community-based services in a sentence
Home and community-based services are provided in facilities subject to §1616(e) of the Act.
Select one: No. Home and community-based services under this waiver are not provided in facilities subject to§1616(e) of the Act.Yes.
Select one: No. Home and community-based services under this waiver are not provided in facilities subject to §1616(e) of the Act.Yes.
Home and community-based services for individ- uals age 65 or older means services, not otherwise furnished under the State’s Medicaid plan, or services already fur- nished under the State’s Medicaid plan but in expanded amount, duration, or scope, which are furnished to individ- uals age 65 or older under a waiver granted under the provisions of part 441, subpart H of this subchapter.
The Minnesota Multiphasic Personality Inventory (MMPI) is the most widely used standardized psychometric test of adult personality and psychopathology acting as the focus for a large amount of academic research (Camara et al.