Department of Labor and Economic Opportunity definition
Examples of Department of Labor and Economic Opportunity in a sentence
The subaward based on proposals received in response to this RFP is contingent upon the Grant Recipient receiving adequate funds from the Michigan Department of Labor and Economic Opportunity (XXX) for the period covered by this RFP and the ability to negotiate a subaward within the financial and programmatic limitations imposed.
The Industrial Arts Institute, licensed by the State of Michigan Department of Labor and Economic Opportunity (LEO) and a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization, offers a premier comprehensive welding program that prepares students for successful and rewarding careers in the industry.
Under the MIOSH Act and a state plan approved in September 1973 by the U.S. Department of Labor, the Michigan Department of Labor and Economic Opportunity is responsible for administering the Act.
The Michigan Department of Labor and Economic Opportunity is the lead agency in the implementation of the statewide Michigan Works! Network.
Within Michigan, the Workforce Development Board (WDB) was established by the Governor's Workforce Commission and shall conform to policy issuances of the Department of Labor and Economic Opportunity (LEO) / State of Michigan or its successor and applicable federal and state rules and regulations.
Cities can influence the development of policies and regulations governing the electricity sector through Public Utility Commissions (PUCs).
A contractorfor the state may not, in relation to that contract subcontract with such an employer.3. Safety Regulations: The contractor shall conform to the "General Safety Rules and Regulations" for the construction industry, as prescribed by the Construction Safety Commission, Department of Labor and Economic Opportunity, Occupational Safety and Health Administration, Lansing, Michigan, and the Occupational Safety and Health Standards of the United States Department of Labor.
The Office of Human Resources provides human resource management services and assistance to all managers, supervisors, and employees in the Department of Labor and Economic Opportunity.
The MSF is a public body corporate and politic within the Department of Labor and Economic Opportunity of the State of Michigan created under the Act.
The WIOA Planning Region 10 planning process began with a review of the Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act Four-Year Regional and Local Plans for Program Years 2020 through 2023 Policy Issuance (PI) from the Michigan Department of Labor and Economic Opportunity- Workforce Development (LEO-WD) dated April 3, 2020, and a comparison to the WIOA Mid-Cycle Modification Regional Plan submitted in 2018.