Departmental unit definition
Examples of Departmental unit in a sentence
In response to timely notification by the debtor as described in paragraph (a) of this sec- tion, the Departmental unit workout group will notify the debtor within 10 days of the request of the location and time when the debtor may inspect or copy agency records related to the debt, as well as provide the debtor with the name and telephone number of the contact person who may provide assist- ance to the debtor for ensuring that copies are made of all appropriate doc- uments related to the debt.
A debtor who intends to inspect or copy Depart- ment records related to the debt must send a letter to the Departmental unit workout group employee specified in§ 21.4(b)(4) stating his or her intentions.15 CFR Subtitle A (1–1–02 Edition)The letter must be postmarked or re- ceived by the Department within 30 calendar days of the date of the De- partment’s first demand letter.
The Departmental unit head (or des- ignee) will designate an official of the Department as hearing official who will review administrative determina- tions of indebtedness which are not re- viewable under criteria provided in§ 21.9(a) for justifying an oral hearing.
Unless the Departmental unit head (or designee) determines that an oral hearing is required (see paragraph(a) of this section), the unit head (or designee) will provide for a review of the written record(s) (a review of the documentary evidence related to the debt, in the form of a ‘‘paper hearing’’).
In response to a timely request for review of the initial determination of indebtedness, Office of the Secretary, Commerce § 21.10 the Departmental unit head (or des- ignee) will notify the debtor whether review will be by (1) oral hearing, or (2) by administrative review of the record.
The Departmental unit charged with issuing of licenses pursuant to, and oversight and enforcement of 104 CMR 28.00.
Create, alter or disband any Departmental unit or transfer members based upon the needs of the Department as determined by the Chief.
A debtor who intends to inspect or copy Depart- ment records related to the debt must send a letter to the Departmental unit workout group employee specified in§ 21.4(b)(4) stating his or her intentions.
Prior to obtaining the requested records pursuant to a formal written request, an official of a rank des- ignated by the head of the requesting Departmental unit shall certify in writing to the financial institution that the Departmental unit has com- plied with the applicable provisions of the Act.
However, if the debt is delinquent and the debtor has not disputed its existence or amount, the Departmental unit head (or designee) should accept a repayment agreement instead of offset only if the debtor is able to establish that offset would re- sult in undue financial hardship or would be against equity and good con- science.