Depreciable agricultural property definition

Depreciable agricultural property means personal property suitable for use in farming for which an income tax deduction for depreciation is allowable in computing federal income tax under the Internal Revenue Code as defined in section 422.3.
Depreciable agricultural property means personal property
Depreciable agricultural property means personal property suitable for use in farming for which an income tax deduction for depreciation is allowable in computing federal income tax under the IRC, including but not limited to farm machinery and breeder livestock, but not including feeder livestock, seed, feed, fertilizer and other types of inventory or supplies.

Examples of Depreciable agricultural property in a sentence

  • Depreciable agricultural property may be exchanged or traded for similar property, and other property such as breeding livestock may be added or substituted as collateral at the discretion of the lender without the prior approval of the authority.

More Definitions of Depreciable agricultural property

Depreciable agricultural property means personal property suitable for use in farming for which an income tax deduction for depreciation or cost recovery is allowable in computing federal income tax under the Internal Revenue Code and which is qualified for financing with tax-exempt bonds pursuant to section 144 of the Internal Revenue Code.
Depreciable agricultural property. - means personal property suitable for use in farming/ranching for which an income tax deduction for depreciation is allowable in computing federal income tax under the Internal Revenue Code of 1986 and which is located on agricultural land.
Depreciable agricultural property. - means personal property suitable for use in farming for which an income tax deduction for depreciation is allowable in computing federal income tax under the Internal Revenue Code of 1986. “Farm” - means a farming enterprise which is recognized in the community as a farm rather than a rural residence. “Farming” - means the cultivation of land for the production of agricultural crops, the raising of poultry, the production of eggs, the production of milk, the production of fruit and other horticultural crops, grazing, the production of livestock, aquaculture, hydroponics, the production of forest products, or other activities designated by the Authority’s rules.
Depreciable agricultural property means personal property suitable for use in farming for
Depreciable agricultural property means personal property suitable for use in farming for which an income tax deduction for depreciation or cost recovery is allowable in computing federal income tax under the Internal Revenue Code and which is eligible for the beginning farmer tax credit.
Depreciable agricultural property. - means personal property suitable for use in farming for which an income tax deduction for depreciation is allowable in computing federal income tax under the Internal Revenue Code of 1986. “Farm” - means a farming enterprise which is recognized in the community as a farm rather than a rural residence. “Farming” - means the cultivation of land for the production of agricultural crops, the raising of poultry, the production of

Related to Depreciable agricultural property

  • Agricultural property means a property that is used primarily for agricultural purposes but, without derogating from section 9 of the Municipal Property Rates Act, (Act 6 of 2004), excludes any portion thereof that is used commercially for the hospitality of guests and excludes the use of the property for the purpose of eco-tourism or for the trading in or hunting of game;

  • Qualified agricultural property means that term as defined in section 1211 of the revised school code, MCL 380.1211.

  • Historic property means any prehistoric or historic site, district, building, object, or other real or personal property of historical, architectural, or archaeological value, and folklife resources. These properties or resources may include, but are not limited to, monuments, memorials, Indian habitations, ceremonial sites, abandoned settlements, sunken or abandoned ships, engineering works, treasure trove, artifacts, or other objects with intrinsic historical or archaeological value, or any part thereof, relating to the history, government, and culture of Florida.

  • Agricultural land means land primarily devoted to the

  • Income Property means, in respect of each Sub-Fund, (a) all interest, dividends and other sums deemed by the Trustee, (after consulting the auditors either on a general or case by case basis), to be in the nature of income (including taxation repayments, if any) received or receivable by the Trustee in respect of the Deposited Property of the relevant Sub-Fund (whether in cash or, without limitation, by warrant, cheque, money, credit or otherwise or the proceeds of sale or transfer of any Income Property received in a form other than cash); (b) all interest and other sums received or receivable by the Trustee in respect of (a), (c) or (d) of this definition; (c) all cash payments received or receivable by the Trustee for the account of the relevant Sub-Fund in respect of an Application; and (d) all Cancellation Compensation received by the Trustee for the account of the relevant Sub-Fund; (e) any payments to be received or are receivable by the Trustee under any contractual agreements in the nature of investments for the benefit of the relevant Sub-Fund but excluding (i) the Deposited Property; (ii) any amount for the time being standing to the credit of the distribution account for the account of the relevant Sub-Fund or previously distributed to Unitholders; (iii) gains for the account of the relevant Sub-Fund arising from the realisation of Securities; and (iv) any sums applied towards payment of the fees, costs and expenses payable by the Trust from the Income Property of the relevant Sub-Fund;

  • Residential property means improved property that:-

  • Industrial Property – means property used for construction, repair, trade or manufacturing, production, assembly or processing of finished or partially finished products from raw materials or fabricated parts on such a large scale that capital and labour are significantly involved, and includes any office or other accommodation on the same property, the use of which is incidental to such activity;

  • Agricultural production means the commercial production of food or fiber.

  • Commercial property means property formerly or currently used primarily for business, retail, governmental or professional purposes.

  • Agricultural , in reference to use, means land, buildings or structures used, designed or intended to be used solely for an “agricultural operation” as that term is defined in section 1 of the Farming and Food Production Protection Act, 1998, S.O. 1998, c. 1;

  • Fixed Assets means the Equipment and Real Estate of the Borrower.

  • Agricultural operations means the growing and harvesting of crops or the raising of fowl or animals for the primary purpose of making a profit, providing a livelihood, or conducting agricultural research or instruction by an educational institution. Agricultural operations do not include activities involving the processing or distribution of crops or fowl.

  • Mining Property means a property used for mining operations as defined in the Mineral and Petroleum Resources Development Act, 2002 (Act No. 28 of 2002);

  • Non-Residential Property means all Assessor’s Parcels of Developed Property for which a building permit(s) was issued for a non-residential use.

  • School property means in or within any building, structure, athletic playing field, playground, parking lot or land contained within the real property boundary line of a public elementary or secondary school, or in or on a school bus, as defined in Vehicle and Traffic Law §142.

  • Qualifying Property means a primary residence that a qualified applicant owned and occupied

  • agricultural products means an animal or plant or a product, including any food or drink that is wholly or partly derived from an animal or plant, and includes all after acquired Agricultural Products of the Producer, or any proceeds therefore.

  • Real Estate means all Leases and all land, together with the buildings, structures, parking areas, and other improvements thereon, now or hereafter owned by any Loan Party, including all easements, rights-of-way, and similar rights relating thereto and all leases, tenancies, and occupancies thereof.