Examples of Depreciable Amount in a sentence
Depreciable Amount is the cost of an asset, or other amount substituted for cost in the financial statements, less its residual value.
Depreciable Amount = Cost – Salvage Value.Click the Next button to continue.
This amount will be deducted from the Cost to calculate the Depreciable Amount.
Although no definitive explanation on the exact channels through which an experienced in- vestment committee helps in shaping asset allocations and, ultimately, investment performance, is identified, most respondents argue that a competent IC has an overall positive impact on returns.
Current Replacement Cost 33.2M Depreciable Amount 31.6M Written Down Value 24.9M Annual Depreciation Expense 0.2MFigures below show the rate of annual asset consumption and compares this to asset renewal and asset upgrade and expansion.
DEFINITIONS AASB116 Assets Depreciable Amount Depreciation Expenses Framework Income Library Materials National Competition Policy (NCP)Australian Accounting Standard AASB116 “Property, Plant & Equipment” means a resource controlled by the entity as a result of past events and from which future economic benefits are expected to flow to the entity ( Framework paragraph 49a).
Depreciable Amount (dollar amount or % of purchase price) OR provide tax assessments for land and building(s) 20.
Depreciation is the systematic allocation of the Depreciable Amount of an asset over its useful life.
Depreciable Assets are those which (i) are expected to be used during more than one accounting period (ii) have a limited useful life Depreciable Amount = Historical cost less estimated residual value Note: The Income tax rules, prescribe the Reducing balance method of Depreciation except in the case of assets of an undertaking engaged in generation and distribution of power.
Gross Replacement Cost $2,580,000 Depreciable Amount $2,580,000 Depreciated Replacement Cost $716,018 Annual Depreciation Expense $154,921Various IT Applications and Software (particularly enterprise applications) were implemented over 10 years ago and on this basis are now fully depreciated.