Deputy Administrator definition
Deputy Administrator means the Deputy Administrator, FEMA, or, in the case of the absence of the Deputy Administrator, or a vacancy in that of- fice, a person designated by the Admin- istrator to perform the functions under this regulation of the Deputy Adminis- trator.
Deputy Administrator means the Deputy Administrator, Regulatory Programs, of the Consumer and Mar- keting Service, or any officer or em- ployee of the Service, to whom author- ity has heretofore lawfully been dele- gated, or to whom authority may here- after lawfully be delegated, to act in his stead.
Deputy Administrator means the FSA Deputy Administrator for State and County Operations, or designee.
Examples of Deputy Administrator in a sentence
Steve Keys, Deputy Administrator - Operations Division of Building Safety1090 E.
Assignments may be made to support other MDOT SHA Offices with the prior approval of the MDOT SHA Deputy Administrator.
Agostino, Deputy Administrator for Defense Programs, National Nuclear Security Administration, Before the House Armed Services Committee, Subcommittee on Strategic Forces,” April 5, 2006, p.
Steve Keys, Deputy Administrator – Operations Division of Building Safety1090 E.
AIPs must report all mediation, arbitration, litigation and other legal action to RMA Deputy Administrator for Compliance no later than 30 days after the AIP has been notified of a dispute with an insured.
More Definitions of Deputy Administrator
Deputy Administrator means the Deputy Administrator for Farm Pro- grams, FSA.
Deputy Administrator means the Deputy Administrator of the Department.
Deputy Administrator means the Deputy Administrator, National Pre- paredness Directorate, FEMA or des- ignee.
Deputy Administrator means the Deputy Administrator of the Fruit and Vegetable Programs or any officer or employee of the Fruit and Vegetable Programs to whom authority has here- tofore lawfully been delegated, or to whom authority may hereafter law- fully be delegated by the Deputy Ad- ministrator, to act in his stead.
Deputy Administrator means the Deputy Administrator or Acting Dep- uty Administrator for State and Coun- ty Operations, Farm Service Agency, United States Department of Agri- culture.
Deputy Administrator means theDeputy Administrator for Field Operations and also referred to as ‘‘DAFO.’’
Deputy Administrator means the Deputy Administrator for Marketing Services, or any officer or employee of the Service, to whom authority has heretofore lawfully been delegated, or to whom authority may hereafter law- fully be delegated, to act in his stead.