Examples of Design volume in a sentence
Design volume of dredging has been minimized absolutely, through reducing the desired LAD (and simultaneous introduction of ‘low-draft’ vessels) and avoidance of dredging in sensitive locations including protected aquatic areas.
In Mandayam Srivas and Albert Camilleri, editors, Formal Methods in Computer-Aided Design, volume 1166 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science, pages 265–269.
Design volume and peak rate control practices where required.During the SMP selection phase, designers are to identify site considerations that may restrict the use of a practice.
Haklay M, O’Sullivan D, Thurstain-Goodwin M, Schelhorn T, 2001, “``So go downtown'': simulating pedestrian movement in town centres”, Environment and Planning B: Planning and Design, volume 28, pp.
Design volume shall include the sum of the following during the storage period:• Manure, bedding and other wastes.• The volume of wastewater from all sources that is anticipated to enter the storage facility.
Rather, the inclusion of certain funding rules might come to represent boilerplate design elements implemented across institutions as standard practice.43 If this is the case, as the use of a given rule becomes “normal,” its inclusion may no longer be influenced by member state preference configurations.Finally, although voluntary funding rules are not among the flexibility mechanisms contemplated by the Rational Design volume, RD flexibility conjectures may be relevant to explaining funding rule design.
Jung Do Suh and Dai Gil Lee, (2008), Design and manufacture of hybrid polymer concrete bed for highspeed CNC milling machine, International journal of Mechanical Material Design, volume 4, pp 113121.
Steffen, editors, Correct System Design, volume 1710 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science, pages 114–136.
In Formal Methods In Computer-Aided Design, volume 1166 of LNCS, pages 187–201, November 1996.
An Algebraic Approach to Compiler Design, volume 4 of AMAST Series in Computing.