Examples of Type A quantity in a sentence
A quantity of radioactive material greater than a Type A quantity.
In addition to packagings authorized by the Hazardous Materials Regulations, each person who offers for transportation a Type A quantity of radioactive materials also may use a commercially procured Type A packaging, a package qualified as a Type A packaging per DOT Specification 7A (49 CFR 178) by an evaluation and testing program approved by the Headquarters Certifying Official, or a Type B packaging certified by the Headquarters Certifying Official or NRC.
According to Table 1-1 and Section, the single fresh fuel assembly may consist of either a Type A or Type B quantity; individual fuel rods placed within a Rod Pipe, in total, are limited to a Type A quantity.
In addition to the concentration limits within this table, there are additional restrictions for contents that are to be acceptable for shipment as a Type A material that separately requires that there be less than a Type A quantity of material.
Title 10 CFR 71.4 defines a Type B quantity as a quantity of radioactive material which exceeds a Type A quantity.