Examples of Diocesan Education Service in a sentence
The Clerk shall be responsible for ensuring that this has been completed and that a copy has been sent to the Diocesan Education Service.
The Diocesan Bishop, through his Diocesan Education Service, will also inspect religious education.
It identifies the catholic distinctiveness that must apply to the academies within the MAT and identifies the commitments that must be made to secure the success of the MAT and its constituent schools by the MAT Trust Board, the Diocesan Trustee and the Diocesan Academy Strategic Board, established by the Bishop to support the Diocesan Education Service in providing support and having the necessary oversight of the MATs established in the Diocese.
Being a Catholic education provider, we work closely with the School’s Diocesan Authority, the School’s Trustees, the Local Authority, the Birmingham Diocesan Education Service and the Department for Education and may share the information you provide on this application form if we consider it necessary in order to fulfil our functions.3. The person responsible for data protection within our school is Luke Payton and you can contact them with questions relating to our handling of the data.
All Foundation Directors shall comply with those procedures for appointment required by the Diocesan Xxxxxx, acting through his agent, the Diocesan Education Service.
Protocol 5 Governing Boards must work closely, through the Diocesan Education Service, with other Diocesan Schools.
It identifies the catholic distinctiveness that must apply to the academies within the MAT and identifies the commitments that must be made to secure the success of the MAT and its constituent schools by the MAT Trust Board, the Diocesan Trustee and the Academy Partnership Committee, established by the Bishop to support the Diocesan Education Service in providing support and having the necessary oversight of the MATs established in the Diocese.
Governors need to behave in accordance with the Gospel values not only of dignity and compassion, but also truth and justice.1.3 It is strongly recommended that governors seek the advice and assistance of the Diocesan Education Service before embarking on this course of action.
Responsibilities of the Bishop and the Diocesan Education Service Canon Law provides that each diocesan bishop has strategic responsibility to commission sufficient school places to meet the needs of baptised Catholic children resident in his area.
The Diocesan Education Service must be consulted on any appointment and if any investigation into wrongdoing is to be carried out.