Director of Higher Education definition
Examples of Director of Higher Education in a sentence
The Post-Graduate Merit-Scholarships are awarded by the Director of Higher Education, Orissa on the result of the Annual B.A., B.Sc. and B.Com.
The National Scholarships are awarded every year by the Government of India through the Director of Higher Education (H.E), Orissa on the results of B.A., B.Sc., B.Com., B.Ed. and LL.B. Examination Pass and Honours both.
It also a term of this contract that no person other than a person appointed by such Director of Higher Education or as aforesaid should act as arbitrator and if for any reason that is not possible, the matter is not be referred to arbitration at all.
For such placement in the scale of Professor, all cases shall be placed before a Committee consisting of : 1) Secretary (Higher Education), Government of Goa — Chairman2) Director of Higher Education — Member3) Joint Secretary (Finance) — Member4) Registrar, Goa University — Member In case of aided college, the Chairman of the Governing Body/Managing Committee will also be a member of the Committee.[Go To Index] (4) (Effective from 22nd November, 2000).
Regular collaborative meetings are also held between the University’s Director of Higher Education Policy (a Trustee of the SU), and the President of the University of Westminster Students’ Union (UWSU), and the UWSU Manager to take forward initiatives to support the recruitment, selection and development of students from a diverse range of backgrounds, particularly those from less advantaged communities.
Responsibility for the monitoring report will rest with the Director of Higher Education.
You may give any notice required by this agreement to the College by post or by email to the College’s Director of Higher Education.
The eight points proposal approved by the Governor was circulated by the Director of Higher Education in the form of directions for compliance, to all the private schools vide communication dated 27.5.2020.
A separate committee will be constituted by the Dy. Director of Higher Education concerned Committee for High/Senior Secondary Schools to be called “Secondary Schools Common Pool Fund Committee” as given below and it will be constituted for a period of two financial years with the approval of Director Higher Education.
If a student has a criminal conviction and would like further information or a confidential discussion, please contact the Assistant Director of Higher Education: Academic Registry.