Examples of Disclosing Person in a sentence
Generally, the legal protections referred to below also apply to such communications between a Disclosing Person and their lawyer.
However, a report about a personal work-related grievance may still be covered if it includes information about other Improper Conduct beyond the Disclosing Person's personal circumstances, or the Disclosing Person is being threatened with some detriment for making a report.
Feedback will be provided to the Disclosing Person, if appropriate, on the progress of the investigation, unless they have remained anonymous.
Protections for public interest and emergency disclosures only apply if a Disclosing Person has first made a report of Improper Conduct to a Commonwealth agency and does not apply if a report has only been made to an "eligible recipient".
Legal protections apply in favour of a Disclosing Person even if the allegations he or she makes are wrong, provided that the Disclosing Person had Reasonable Grounds for making the allegations.