Examples of Displaced Business in a sentence
As proposed the Displaced Business Grant could cost up to $40,000 related to the acquisition of a building with 11 commercial tenants.The EDA's 2021 budget includes $40,000 for the Displaced Business Grant.
The EDA supported the concept of a Displaced Business Grant for Richfield businesses at its October 21, 2019 work session and, at its March 16, 2020 meeting directed staff to formalizegrant guidelines and procedures for EDA consideration at a future meeting (originally intended to occur in April).At the April 20, 2020 Meeting the EDA decided to pause other Business Development activities to focus on providing funding to businesses impacted by COVID-19.
Table 19: Displaced Business Event ActivityEvent typeThe annual baseline of events assumed to transfer to the new facility totals 291, leaving an average of 67 new events per year as the estimate of the number of new events to Wellington.
Eligible Moving Expenses for Displaced Business, Farm, or Non-Profit Organization 515-31.
If a Displaced Business fails to produce its three most recent federal income tax returns, it shall not receive a Business Interruption Payment.
Eligible Moving Expenses for Displaced Business, Farm, or Non-Profit Organization (NPO) 625-10.
This Notice may be sent in along with the 90-day Move notice. This notice should inform the business as to the effective date of their eligibility. The notice should also describe the assistance available and Describe the procedures necessary to obtain the assistance.As soon as possible the Displaced Business should be told that they must: Allow inspections by your company, as IFA’s representative, of both the current and replacement sites.
The Devon and Torbay area covers a large geographic area and has a wide range of disparate circumstances.
Table 21: Displaced Business Event ActivityEvent type# EventsLarge Conferences The annual baseline of events assumed to transfer to the new facility totals 297, leaving an average of 111 new events per year as the estimate of the number of new events to Wellington.
Any Displaced Business that is operating in violation of applicable law shall not be eligible for relocation expenses pursuant to this Policy.